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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by coalman23, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. #1 coalman23, Nov 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2011
    Basically corporate lobbyists have swayed the government into writing this bill which essentially takes away pirating, enforces copyright laws etc.

    OH, and expect a massive amount of websites to be shut down.

    American Censorship Day November 16 - Join the fight to stop SOPA

  2. Wtf is this shit lets go to war lolol

  3. Word.
  4. This seriously needs more attention on GC.

    Once it actually happens people will be FURIOUS. I wouldn't be surprised at all if GC is shut down. Pirate Bay will surely be gone in the U.S, as will other websites which host bittorrent files.

    It needs to be passed on, so we can do as much as we can to prevent this.
  5. Double bump.
  6. This shit is nuts, when will we know if it's really goin down or not?
  7. lol, i made this thread yesterday it got deleted because a bunch of immature people started arguing one of my only some-what successful threads and they ruined it lmfao:smoke:
  8. Saw this on FJ. Fuck that, if they start censoring the intrnet im done!
  9. Anybody else notice the video is 4:20 long? That's fucked up though. I can understand them not wanting people downloading new blockbuster movies for free, but it sounds like they have their sights set on taking it way too far.
  10. #10 INeeedMoney, Nov 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2011
    what the fuck?!! this could be real bad.

    government is getting worse. american revolution II within the next 100 years.

    edit: i signed it or whatever btw :)
  11. There's a shit load of content on youtube which provides detailed arguments for the justification of piracy.

    It's a great marketing tool for whoever profits from sales. Hopefully in the near future corporations will whimper out and the people can start selling for themselves.
  12. Corporations will never wimper out. This country is going to shit, so fast

  13. In the past 10 minutes I've been looking at real estate listings in Vancouver.
  14. america sure is the home of the free. some people wonder why i never said the pledge in high school
  15. [quote name='"coalman23"']This seriously needs more attention on GC.

    Once it actually happens people will be FURIOUS. I wouldn't be surprised at all if GC is shut down. Pirate Bay will surely be gone in the U.S, as will other websites which host bittorrent files.

    It needs to be passed on, so we can do as much as we can to prevent this.[/quote]

    These sites won't be shut down because they're not hosted in the US. They will most likely be blocked so we can't access them. The people who host proxies and vpn's and such will be rolling in cash if this happens.

  16. Yeahhhh I know mang, I said "in the us".
  17. If they are getting irritated enough to try and shut those that are doing the occupy thing, why would they try and fuck with the one thing thats keeping the rest of us on our ass at home instead of on the street fighting and protesting with them. Fucking dumbasses.
  18. #19 Apu, Nov 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2011
    Meh all the important shit has already broken ties and to put very very very simply proxied away. You can't shut down the internet and I will bet my left nut if it pass's they will shut down the wrong website and and the hackers will unite and destroy.

    This is not a prediction the wheels are in motion. All they have to do is shut down a website "they" do not want shut down and the internet will go into chaos with the push of a button. People take the internet for granted, "they" can drain the money out of any bank in the world(well modern bank) from a cave in fucking Iraq.

    America is entering a battle it can not win you thought terriosts were ruthless wait till you see hackers in full swing the people shutting down Sony and giving info to Wikileaks are nothing there small fries compared to who is out there.

  19. They won't shut down websites like pirate bay, they can only stop us from visiting it.

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