virtual sun?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by edwin11023, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. im thinking to buy but there is no double package i dont want three lol. do u know if 2 600s will do the job for 20-30 plants
  2. How big do you plan on growing them?
  3. i really dont know. Going to grow in a play room but dried wall and have a door. i would have to measure it.
  4. Two of those lights would work nicely with like a short sea of green scrog grow.
  5. im wondering hw long of veg which i need to know measurements of the room to actually find out what i should do lol
  6. You can grow as few or as many plants as you like under as many lights as you like. 20-30 plants in one-gallon containers under 1200 watts in a sea of green setup will give you a nice, quick return since you would have almost zero veg time. This would work best with clones, however. So you would most likely need to get several mother plants established first.
    You could also look into growing just one or two plants per 600 watt light. Your veg time will be longer (much longer), however you will reach comparable, if not significantly higher yields. I have seen several people online that have pulled over a full pound from one plant under a 600 watt light.
    The best thing you can do is decide what works for you, and then experiment. Your first grow and your first set up are not going to be your final method, I can promise you that. Everybody changes something eventually.
  7. #10 SunOfMan, Aug 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2013
    Here's one I was referring to in particular:

    Two cabinets with a 600w light in each, one with Trainwreck and one with SLH. Done with hydro methods but similar results could be achieved with a solid organic mix.
    Trainwreck: ~1/4 lb scraps, ~14 oz buds, 519.5 grams total = ~18.32 oz = 1 lb 2.32oz = ~.87 grams/watt
    SLH: ~1/4 lb scraps, ~14 oz buds, 514.6 grams total = 18.15 oz = 1lb 2.15oz = ~.86 grams/watt
    As usual take any numbers on an online medium with a grain of salt. Still, the results speak for themselves.

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