Virtual House Arrest Ordered for Minors in East St. Louis

Discussion in 'Politics' started by lilro, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. ^ da fuq? Seems like a ripe opportunity to get your rights violated for profit.
  2. So Alvin Parks thinks teens using violence is unacceptable. His solution is to be more violent towards teens.

    "You cannot grow as a city if your children are being wiped out and never given an opportunity to live.” Alvin Parks

    I fail to see how throwing children in jail and taking away their opportunity to live productive lives is a solution.
  3. i dont see how ruining someones life for being outside is worth savingthem from potential life threats? thats fucking stupid.

    all that over 4 kids? fuck those 4 kids then.
  4. uh....seems this Mayor is way off his rocker...think its time someone called a state LEO to arrest his ass as a danger to the general public.
  5. #6 Sam_Spade, Sep 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2012
    Well at least my mayor is just a bumbling impotent neoliberal. Not so bad compared to this heavy hand.

    This article has probably taken years of the lives of many a criminologists due to policy conniption fits. I know a certain fellow who I share an office with who will be foaming at the mouth on monday.... again.

    Also, this broken window policy is going to stunt a few artists i know in the St. Louis area. Sad.
  6. How can this even be legal....? If those kids have their parents consent they can be where ever they want to be at 10pm..........
  7. This sounds like a load of bullshit, and really unconstitutional. I thought we had an amendment against search and seizure, but I guess not?
  8. When I was in high school my city had a 10pm curfew. It was an extremely dumb rule because many school events ran after 10pm. Not to mention who the fuck goes home at 10m on the weekend.
  9. My town also had a curfew, but every time I was pulled over by the police I'd tell them I had from permission from my parents and they knew where I was(I was normally walking between friends houses).

    I just don't understand how if the people in charge of taking care of them say that it's ok for them to go someplace(e.g. like I was doing walking to a friends house), how the police could just swoop in and tell them they were doing something wrong.

    WTF? I just found this link.....

    East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks bans red and blue clothing |

    A mayor is literally telling people what they can and cannot wear....... not even a president or somebody with actual power, a fucking mayor. Can we get him out of office and send some nasty letters?

    And who could be so seriously retarded as to think that taking away the gangs colors would somehow take away the gang activities.......
  10. fuck this guy "the wave of crime is probbable cause and jjustifies extreme measures". I guess the constition meant absolutly nothing if you REALLY want to infrindge it.

  11. wave of all the other murders and cases of police brutality were not crimes worthy of absolute police state control...

    one can only hope this shit gets that jackass kicked out of office, to serve as a warning to other political police statist that WE THE PEOPLE are sick of this police state regime abuse of power (granted by the people)...and can use the system to kick their tyrant asses out of office.:eek:
  12. This will hopefully be overturned pretty quickly. Mainly because of the color ban. American colors are now banned in E. STL.
  13. [​IMG]:p
  14. Yep! Everyone should pull out their 4th of July, RW&B T shirts and wear them in protest! Image the headlines! "Teens arrested for wearing US flag T shirts!" lol

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