dwc gravity drip system While waiting for the phDown to arrive, i foolishly tried white vinegar.. very bad move...mother of vinegar slime formed all over the roots and the plants took a dive.. they are very wilted and some look burned... one plant is pretty much dried up 'n dead.... all the roots have changed to a brownish color and are coated with slime.. when i try to wash them, they degrade away easily... currently running half strength beastie blooms and h2o2... i'm only 4 weeks away from projected harvest... the phDown should arrive within' a few days. what else can i do to save these plants?!?! please advise new pix below: http://s72.photobucket.com/albums/i174/jrocky278/april-19/
Yeah, Vinegar is no good for hydro as you have just found out. Try cleaning the roots with hydrogen peroxide. This may or may not work as root rot is a son-of-a-bitch. Good luck.