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Vikings No-TIll Garden of Green

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by Triple6Greens, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. Hello all,

    I'm starting a new journal here as my new found interest in No-till gardening. This journal is here for me to make notes of everything I do.

    I will list as much info as possible, I want this journal to be a great resource for new people like me to no till gardening. This is my first time attempting it, I was very confused at first how it all worked so if you are new to this please ask questions!

    One of the best ways to learn something is to teach it! And great satisfaction.

    Please join me in my journal to a bottle free garden life! Ditch the bottles and join the living soil life!
  2. To start out

    The soil I have mixed is from coots no till recipe and I take no credit in it. I simply copied and pasted the mix from him. (If there are other involved in the mix I thank you too I just don't know you)

    I had to make some adjustments to the soil as some things are hard to find.... fucking pumice

    Anyways here is my mix I will be using

    3cuft compost
    3cuft peat moss ( 10% perlite )
    3cuft red lava rock
    5 cups neem
    5 cups kelp
    5 cups crab
    9 cups malted barley/wheat ( 50/50)
    10 ltr biochar
    25lbs glacier rock dust
    5 cups gypsum



    I was able to make about 10cu ft. I got half the stuff off Amazon and the other half local.
  3. I am an indoor/outdoor grower. I live in southern California and the weather is perfect!

    I set up my shed with 2 t5 fixtures, I have a total of 8 4foot bulbs in my shed, 400+ watts and 40000 lumens

    I have 8 plants going at the time being.


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