Im sure you have seen plenty of people fuck up blunts, roll them weird, roll them too tight or too lose , and you wish you could just roll a blunt and have everyone enjoy it, and have the satisfaction that YOU rolled it. This is a video I made of how to roll a great blunt everytime, if you do the steps correctly you will have the perfect blunt and be able to show off to your friends that you can roll a legit blunt P.S JUST turned 18 in December if I seem young. Here is a YouTube Link to Video #1 Table Roll. Link removed per request. -JD Video #2, No Table Roll Link removed per request. -JD
Nice video man i'm going to practice this way, I always just cracked them down the middle but ive heard taking the leaf off and re-rolling it makes it much more air tight and the hits better because u dont fuck with the leaf.
you should think about uploading it to youtube, because i cant get the link to work and im sure i wont be the only one.
wtf you roll a blunt really fuckin weird. you kinda shape it, but never tuck the wrap... oh wells, at least it works
i'm curious after reading some of the feedback you got, but like others the link won't work. try uploading to youtube as suggested
hmmmmm.... table roller eh? I respect it, it works really well for you. That is one prime blunt. The only problem with rolling that way is that you need a flat surface to roll on! Other than that, it's a great way to roll. Video explains well.
First off, nice rolled blunt. I do mine the same way, must be a Jersey thing eh? Roll on my lap while driving a car all the time like this, no problem.
Possibly, but this is how I learned and my blunts always come out perfect, even though I dont smoke anymore due to Depersonalization, I can still roll a perfect blunt. To me its like riding a bike, its just impossible to forget.
Haha nice nice. A better way I found to pack the blunt is after you finished putting the outter leaf on, before you bite that little excess paper at the end off, grab it with your thumb and pointer finger and just shake the blunt back and forth, you'll notice the bud packing down.