Vibrational Oneness

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by YEM, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. #1 YEM, Oct 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2009
    Can you feel it, can you sense it, can you smell it, can you touch it?

    We are here on this planet today, to advance the progress of human kind. In a sense, we are already dead. Everything you see around you is but simple and complex vibrations of all sorts rooting from ONE source. ONE source that can radiate/emanate/transform its one vibrational chord into billions and trillions of frequencies, allowing it to be made into ALL THAT IS. The possibilities are endless with this chord, for it is constantly learning, becoming, transforming. It can show us the way if we focus in on it, if we continue down to it's source. We are constantly reacting and interacting with this vibrational chord, exploring different frequencies, transforming it to what is. We are it's workers, we guide it's path and it guides our path. It communicates through us, within us. We ride it, because we are it. It shows us, it shows itself. It is a constantly looping system of phenomenon, of vast intelligence if you want to call it that. Everything that you see around you, all the people, all the objects, are it too. All these thoughts are but a infinitely tiny decimal of what it has to say.

    Open yourselves to it, allow it to come naturally through you and you will see. See that we are all truly connected, We can go an infinite of ways here, we must just choose to stick with one and put our full focus and concentration of that way. We must become one with its flow and continue down it's stream. Connect with it and it will show you, or rather you will show yourself. Hold nothing back, go full force into it, merge and become one with it.

    Find your place within this kaleidoscope of frequencies, attribute and give all you can. Stop the greed and stop taking so much. Share the vibration, don't horde it. If you try to fight it, you will only lose. So go with it, wherever it wants you to go. It has a cosmic plan for each and everyone of us, it is just about recognizing that plan.

    Engulf yourself in its powers, embrace all that you can. Be more of a benefit to it than a menace. Love it, harmonize with it, unite with all. Don't fight it, just become one with it. Let it show you the way, let it take you for a spin.


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