Viable Marijuana Legalization Reasoning

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by SkyScraper2012, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. #1 SkyScraper2012, Dec 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2011
    Dear Readers,

    If you are an activist for the legalization of marijuana then this thread is for you.

    As compared to alcohol and conventional pharmaceutical drugs, marijuana is a safe and highly effective combatant for anxiety, stress, pain, and is as all smokers would say, one of the best or THE best relaxants available. Marijuana poses no dangers to society and is not dosed out therefore overdose is not an issue by no means.

    The United States and other countries for that matter spend countless hours hunting, fighting, and prosecuting people with marijuana in their possession. For what? Because it is illegal, that's it. It is a rather stupefying loophole in the system I can't begin to figure out. A highly incumbent figure in office stated that if America was to legalize marijuana then that would mean they are admitting that nothing else can be done to fight it. That brings us back to the question, why are they fighting it?

    If the United States was to legalize marijuana there would not be a buildup of crime and no inverted consequences would come of it. If the U.S.A. was to legalize marijuana the crime rate would be drastically reduced, not just in America but in Mexico and other impoverished countries. First if marijuana was legalized there would no longer be a legality issue with the product itself therefore ending that useless and pointless fight to stop it. Second if they legalized it today, all organized crime built upon the sale of illegal marijuana would crumble and marijuana would then be produced lawfully and peacefully by growers who would sell and not kill. Third, taxing of marijuana would bring in boo-coo bucks for the government if big time companies packaged it.

    Thoughts and responses please.

  2. you summed it up completely. Add in the stepping stone fallacy , like when people say it leads to harder drugs. The only reason it could possibly lead to harder drugs is because it is sold in an illegal market(because of prohibition) which harder drugs are also presented in. take it off the black market and instead of buying weed from juan who also sells crack heroin and xanax you will buy weed from some gas station aha
  3. Keep in mind that while all this makes perfect sense to us, legalization is not quite this easy. There is a HUGE market out there where the government is making billions of dollars off of this "war on drugs" and just stopping their paychecks will piss a lot of people off.

    For example in the U.S., police units with high drug bust rates get bonus payouts by the Federal Government. These payouts help pay for that new iPhone for the Chief's step daughter and he sure as hell isn't going back to his old pay-rate now. Every morning when the cops gather and talk about the most important busts of the day, the chief rattles about how drugs are "ruining our society" and after several decades of this, they start to believe it.

    Imagine the day after Marijuana is legalized. The entire "War on Drugs" section of the government is laid off?

    These statements are just to demonstrate how ingrained into our economy the drug trade is. While I fully support legalization, I think it's gonna be a rough process haha.
  4. I simply like to state to people that the US will be a safer country without marijuana prohibition because more law enforcement resources can be spent on violent crime.
  5. Examine the STATED goals of prohibition. None of them are achieved. It's a miserable failure. No one could stand before Congress and call it a "success" to justify continuing to fund it, let alone ESCALATING its budgets year over year.

    That is when you have to start thinking about unstated agendas. Marketplace control and an unequal corporate playing field? Yep. 4th Amendment being virtually abolished? Yep. Destabilize governments and countries to advance other agendas? Yep. Selling of paramilitary wares by the military industrial complex? Bingo. Even the banks are making a buck of course even in a prohibited landscape.

    Start thinking about all of the "bad" and if that really is the UNSTATED goal in many instances. The drug war is a trojan horse for many things.

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