Hello to all my fellow enlightened ones! Thought i'd start here to get to know some of you - please bear with me as i've never done the forum thing before. I'm 30 (10/08/1971), br.hair/bl.eyes, 5'10", 170 lbs., Irish/Cherokee, total slut, and long time smoker! Just a bit of personal info. for any interested. I've been smoking since I was 14, and will be smoking the rest of my life, especially now that i'm LEGAL here in Colorado! Chronic pain is a bitch, but it DOES have its advantages! I've done everything else too, but the herb is the one that won out over ALL others and is all I partake of now aside from the occasional trip. I believe alcohol and cocaine are the worst you can do, and do not endorse either. Believe everything I say, for I ONLY speak from my own personal experiences (means it's a fact)! I'm all about the weed smoke and the kinky sex, to quote a group I can't think of right now (Totally blazed)! I get both regularly whenever I want, but am always looking for more. Anyway, hook up if you want to - something!
Marijuna + Kinky Sex = A wild, exciting night with lasting memories. LOL. Anyway, welcome and I hope your stay here is a trippy one!!!!!!!
Welcome to stonerville! Light up a talk to us! Kinky sex? where do i get some of that? Hell i'd settle for non kinky sex at this point. Hope to see ya around the forums.