Very strange feeling after T-break. Help please !!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by neff, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. So i smoked for 6 months every day through out the day and ive been smoking about two years total. And I came back from a 1 n a half week tbreak. After I smoked i got extremely high and panic attacked and freaked out. Things seemed unproportional and like not normal. I slept and I felt a little weird in the morning, came home from school early had a small bowl and took two hits and I felt extremely strange all day. Weird feeling of panic, worry and over nothing. My vision is like unproportional and seems to just be so strange all day. I feel so shitty and bad I am going to go try to get benzos tommorow for panic attacks.
    I think it will help, has this happene to anyone else. I hope to be normal again tommorow I just need some advice and to know if this happened before.
  2. Sounds like you got really high
  3. After smokin for 10 months everyday i took a 3 week t break. It took a few highs to get back to normal but the first highs were bad and scary. You"ll enjoy it the same soon.
  4. yea i quit for two weeks after year solid and i kinda like it. so im taking week breaks at the beginning of each month. I get alot higher and its fun!
  5. Things like that happen. I went without weed for about 2-3 weeks and when I smoked again I' got extremely dizzy and crazy paranoid. I just over did it cause I was with my friends who still had a high tolerance, and I never say no to a bowl that has weed in it still. In hindsight I would have been fine if I would have just smoked less.
  6. this happend to me after my 32 day Tbreak i smoked a big bowl of white shark and started to feel weird it was not enjoyable. When u have 0tolerance its best to take it slow and easy just smoke less and you weill be back to normal in no time!

  7. Even if I smoked yesterday and today? I felt weird allll day today and i smoked alot earlier like 12pm or so and it just felt werid and scared all day .. this is normal?
  8. this made me chuckle

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