Very important question.

Discussion in 'General' started by Atromatic, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. Basically, I was nearly 5 months clean, and slipped up last night. 
    Smoked about a teenth blunt with a friend and took some unmentionables. 
    Will this weed be out of my system before January 14th? I have an extremely important drug test that will determine the rest of my life almost.
    I know I messed up, I don't need to hear it. 

  2. #2 YaSlava, Dec 26, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
    get urself tested before 14th. If it's not gone by then ur fu*d unless u can buy clean piss from craigslist
  3. Just drink a shit ton of water and work out a lot and see how it goes. Sweat a lot
  4. Oh yeah, definitely. No worries man. It will pass through your system ina  week if you only smoked the one day.
  5. I really hope to god man, you don't understand how things will go down if I fail this. I know I made a bigass mistake and it was on me, but man.. I really hope you're right. Kind of my angel in the dark right now.
  6. If you smoke constantly it would be a problem. I'm quitting mid February so I can pass the DTs for work.
  7. Alright...I flipped it.
    Call it in the air, chief. :cool:
  8. Yeah man you should be fine. If you want to be certain, work out and drink a lot of water in the coming weeks. Dont workout in the few days leading up to the test though. 
  9. This is the first time smoking in nearly 5 months, but amps (i'm trying to say this so I can be helped, in the least descriptive way possible.) were taken with it.
  10. Hard drugs pass through in like 2 days. If you've heard of Erowid, check them out. They're helpful for these kinds of things.
    Oh, I know the unment will be gone in 4-5 days. The weed's the biggest ordeal, and yeah I was an erowid junkie when I was using. I'm just including vaguely the unment incase it will affect anything. 

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