Very Embarrasing...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by MNTC, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. So this was 4 months ago and I just felt like I needed to share it. So im on a Choir trip with my school in Chicago and I had just gotten back from my studying abroad so my tolerance was very low. Me and a few guys from my room decided to smoke in the bathroom with these beautiful dark purple buds. Which of course got me extremely high. So of course we are baked watching TV and enjoying food and some pop. So as the pop that I had drank was going down my throat, my friend said something HILARIOUS which made me burst out laughing. Nothing wrong with that right? But I started to cough HEAVILY. It felt like I was choking on the soda that I was drinking. So im in a panic but I cant calm myself down, and I end up in a corner coughing so hard that I threw up a small amount. My friends of course were surprised because they thought I was okay. The rest of the choir seemed it was quite funny too.
  2. LOL. I hate choking so hard you throw up.
  3. LOL. I hate throwing so hard you choke up.
  4. MN represent represent!!
  5. MN Chyeah Chyeah! Yeah It was weird. I have not the slightest clue what caused me to throw up. :/
  6. shit bro. ahahha. i hope you're all right now.

    hope it wasn't a huge buzz kill on your high.
  7. Ha. Not embarrassing?
  8. haha shit happens. my friend tried to shotty 1 beer back then and he was so into it, that right after it, he just throws up that beer on the table. w/e tho :p
  9. That was more of a 'Holy fuck Im stoned' moment..
  10. funny thing about this... ur CHOIR SUCKS!!
  11. #11 MNTC, Jun 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Your nothing more than a troll! I'm glad you enjoyed my story!
  12. omg with shit happent to my friend yesterday lol it was scary as fuck :] lol

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