Vertical SCROG

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Kronik352, Aug 12, 2019.

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  1. Looks cool, for sure. You would have to really stay with the training to get it like that.

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  2. Another great idea thanks.
    Sometimes I fan mine out instead of Christmas tree shapes.
    I really enjoy lst which is new to me but it really seems to pay off.
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  3. Having dreams here
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  4. Following because I was just thinking of if that was possible or not.

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  5. Wondering what the grow dimensions are?
    Can you give any more details- from a yield perspective I feel like that makes a lot of sense.
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  6. Unfortunately I dont have ANY information regarding that Vert was a pic I ran across when I was MJ studying.
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  7. Wow that’s impressive! How hard would it be too clear out from the metal wire tho? That guy had metal wire ran up the side of his walls and even on the back which cleanings would be a lot harder by then I would think.

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  8. I might just give this a try!
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  9. I know right.... I wanna do it SOOO BAD
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  10. Make a tri-folding frame. Easy to move out and clean behind.
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  11. I think I'm going to try one wall next round I could almost double my canopy.
    Sounds like another light build to me. Lol
    I've been wanting to do something with the 132s and some of the supplemental strips I got???
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  12. Bro, I TOTALLY think you should.....not JUST cuz I wanna see it in action....but because I TRULY think you'll be happy with the results!!
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  13. I think I will, and I get to build a new light. It's a win win
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  14. I might finally be able to grow the Durban Poison I been wanting to run. They never stop growing
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  15. :jump:...........I CANT WAIT!!!!!! :rave-girl:
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  16. Cindi 99 hopefully soon for me
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  17. So I built a vert scrog today after looking into it more. I haven’t gotten photos yet but I will post up some here in a while if anybody’s interested. Also if it all goes as to planned the canopy would go from a normal 5’ x 2’ to a 6’ x 5’ with a extra 2’ x 6’ side wall.

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