
Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by jnabb22, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. Hahaha well I usually start my day by charging a stag and ripping it apart with my teeth
  2. #102 Paleo Edibles, Nov 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2010
    Would you consider any primate a predatory mammal?

    ROFL...if we eat meat and hunt, have eyes on the front of head etc. 6 grade much?
    we are the only primate who eat meat; no wonder we're smartest. get along better with other predators(dog)

    The topic of vegetarian nutrition can be approached from several angles, perhaps one of the most important being the impact that meat production is having on the under-developed world, where ancient rain forests are being cleared to provide land for cattle grazing. Debt-burdened countries are turning over agricultural land to raise cattle and grains for feeding the cattle. These practices have resulted in less available land for the production of food, global warming because of the practices used for deforestation, exhaustion of the world's water supply, and other adverse effects on the health of the world. The consumption of meat for food is taking a toll on the consumer and the health of the world's poorest people. It is also contributing to an expanding need for foreign aid and growing world hunger.

    cool, has nothing to do with health. meat will make you live longer.

    find the PPT, ROS diet studies.
  3. “Mankind is like dogs, not gods - as long as you don't get mad they'll bite you - but stay mad and you'll never be bitten. Dogs don't respect humility and sorrow.”

    But I did a search on the plains indian, who we could still do an accurate study on (as compared to the 10,000 years ago). And as you said they were one of the healthiest people on the planet. And for good reason.

    Starting with their staple, plains bison, who they essentially worshiped which was rich in many nutrients. the plains indians like other predatory animals, "preferred older animals, due to the higher nutrition levels of the meat" rather than the common practice of young animals, who have had no physical activity for their soft texture.

    Did you know that in New York their used to be mountains of oyster shells? some measuring more than ten feet in length, because oysters never stop growing.

    Where are the oysters?

    If we would eliminate property lines, and all other boundaries, and then reintroduce bison and create a hospitable environment for wild game, why wouldn't we eat it.

    Makes 100% sense to me. But that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about eating young animals, bred in captivity, animals that the plains Indians would have set free and hunted when they were more mature.

    So yeah, if you want to emulate a culture, by all means, emulate them. Don't just use them to promote your desires.
  4. I just went up in rank to vegan level 9. I can't eat anything that casts a shadow or has ribonucleic acid. Were a select group and some of the hardest motherfuckers in the vegan community.
  5. #105 Paleo Edibles, Nov 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2010
    plants are alive toooo!
  6. rofl fuck your bad ass
  7. What the fuck are the canine teeth for then? They're for chewing meat.
  8. lmfaooo
  9. #109 tlilancalqui, Nov 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2010
    An article on this history of the human diet:

    Do any of these look adaptive to a meat diet?

  10. Well yeah, those 3cm canines are really adapted for biting into tough animal hides :rolleyes:...don't even try to argue with these people dude. its a lost cause
  11. From the above article it seems as though we do indeed have a debt of gratitude to our meat eating ancestors, as if it wasn't for changing climate (ice age), they may not have developed more sophisticated tools which were nessisary to catch animals, which we were not adapted to catch.

    This tool development also eventually led to the ability to grow crops, and remove the dependency on hunting, and then allowed humans to thrive (again) in areas where cultivation was easy.

    Meat eating has never allowed any great degree of civilized advancement, and is becoming even more of an impediment to humanity having any sort of enjoyable existence.

    The only future that humanity has with continued unrestrained meat eating involves either the extinction of a futher 90% of the current animals, or implementing population control on humans.

    no worries debating is interesting to me. It's how I learn.
  12. oh yes meat is good

    Attached Files:

  13. damn i leave for awhile and this thread blows up... :eek: but anyways i didn't read everything cause im not in the reading mood right now but i guess ill say that 1) everyone here should read the essene gospel of peace (Peace Book 1) it was very eye opening to me, and helped me through my spiritual journey.
    2) veganism IS very spiritual to me. ive never felt closer to my god then since i started, but ive also been doing a raw diet and water fasting.
    3) you can find ALL the things you need to live in the plant kingdom (vitamins, nutrients, amino acids, etc..) i havnt taken a supplement, or eaten 1 type of animal product in over 3 months, and im perfectly healthy. BUT the most important aspect is eating the right things. like eating nuts but making sure they are raw and germinated for protein amino acids, eating spinach for iron, pretty much a good variety of vegetables and fruits and plenty of them. also its good to eat as much raw living foods as you can. life only comes from living things, not dead.
    4) your body lacks the enzyme to digest meat, and it rots in your intestines till your body uses up a lot of its energy to push it out.
    5) are canine teeth arent as strong as carnivores, or as big. they are for biting into fruit, vegetables, grains, and then are mullers grind it up.
    6) thats all i can think of right now.. just woke up and my bed is comfy :D

  14. oh man, id better get out of here. before i say or do something irrational.
  15. "The Human Appendix
    In plant-eating vertebrates, the appendix is much larger and its main function is to help digest a largely herbivorous diet. The human appendix is a small pouch attached to the large intestine where it joins the small intestine and does not directly assist digestion. Biologists believe it is a vestigial organ left behind from a plant-eating ancestor. Interestingly, it has been noted by paleontologist Alfred Sherwood Romer in his text The Vertebrate Body (1949) that the major importance of the appendix ?would appear to be financial support of the surgical profession,? referring to, of course, the large number of appendectomies performed annually. In 2000, in fact, there were nearly 300,000 appendectomies performed in the United States, and 371 deaths from appendicitis. Any secondary function that the appendix might perform certainly is not missed in those who had it removed before it might have ruptured."
    Top 10 Useless Limbs (and Other Vestigial Organs) | LiveScience
  16. #116 Bakedmagiii, Nov 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2010
    Veganism is awesome!
    I was vegan for about 8 months, and I felt GREAT! When I woke up in the morning, I literally opened my eyes and stepped out of bed, I wasn't tired at all (even on 6 or less hours of sleep). I felt like I was more focused in school, and I was energetic at work until 10 pm.
    It was a drastic improvement from my vegetarianism (I have been veggie for 10 years) because dairy products weigh you down and make you feel ill more than any other food.

    I want to go vegan again. Maybe I will now that I'm back up to a healthy weight.... :D

    And for all of the skeptics, this should be reason enough;
    "The American Dietetic Association (ADA) states that vegetarians and vegans enjoy a lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease, lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, lower rates of hypertension and type 2 diabetes, and lower body mass indexes, as well as lower overall cancer rates. The ADA concludes that vegetarian or vegan diets "are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.

    A major 2006 study of 135,000 people found that those who frequently ate grilled skinless chicken had a staggering 52 percent higher risk of bladder cancer than people who never ate it.

    Well-planned vegan diets provide us with all the nutrients that we need, minus all the saturated fat, cholesterol, and contaminants found in animal flesh, eggs, and dairy foods. Scientists have also found that vegetarians have stronger immune systems than their meat-eating friends; this means that they are less susceptible to everyday illnesses such as the flu. Vegetarians and vegans live, on average, six to 10 years longer than meat-eaters."

    Cool, right? =]
  17. Yeah, the canines and premolars look like they can tear into some flesh. My teeth seem to work pretty well at that too. Now, I'm not saying you should go Atkins and eat meat 24/7, but some (especially grass-fed) can't hurt and fish is probably the most important food in the human diet for longevity. Having said that, it's probably better for you to eat more veggies and fruits than meat, but to suggest that the human body is designed for one and not the other is just laughable. We're omnivores. We adapt.

    The only good reasons I can see for veganism are ethical--which is debatable since cows and chickens can't actually fear death/lament it/etc.--and environmental, which is totally real. Best thing you can do for the environment is just not eat red meat. Fact. But don't bring my teeth into it. They work perfectly well for everything.
  18. I see your point.
    Humans can eat meat, but if you pay attention to the health of heavy meat eaters (or "normal" meat eaters for that matter) you will see that it is killing us. Cancer, high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks, high cholesterol and soooo many other major diseases are directly related to eating meat.

    The argument isn't not over whether or not humans can eat meat, its how much (if any at all) we should eat.
    Anyone who argues that our current meat-based diet isn't bad for us is a bloody fool.
  19. It is true that our teeth work fine for bite sized morsels of meat, but they don't exactly 'tear into' flesh, they do however shear quite nicely.

    The reason why that was brought up was in response to the individual that believed that humans evolved to eat raw meat (like dear and buffalo). Where I believe that the evidence is much stronger that we adapted since the dawn of the stone age to use fire and tools in order to make meat edible for us.

    Even 30,000 - 50,000 years is a drop in the evolutionary bucket.

    Anyway I agree with your post. Just thought I'd clarify. (oh and most animals have feelings, and become scared when you remove them from their habitat, or if they smell death. They don't however (and neither should you) live in fear of death).
  20. Nope.

    I recently joined peta though

    All kidding aside i respect you guys for doing that but i would never. Humans are supposed to eat meat. Its natural, animals eat other animals.
    We need proteins and other nutrients found in meat/fish. You can supplement things in but it doesn't change the fact the we need meat to be healthy.

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