I saw it on trendy ass dabber on YouTube.. never thought they had shit like that. But need some help finding a good Im willing to drop a few bills but wanna make sure it works and a good product.. also been looking for a good vap for a while was a mflb but not nomore lol. Learning a lot more lol.
[quote name='"BuRnTrEeS247"']I saw it on trendy ass dabber on YouTube.. never thought they had shit like that. But need some help finding a good Im willing to drop a few bills but wanna make sure it works and a good product.. also been looking for a good vap for a while was a mflb but not nomore lol. Learning a lot more lol.[/quote] If you want one specifically to use with a bong, I recommend the LSV by 7th floor. It's the Life Saber Vaporizer, and can be used with a glass transfer wand dry, or be held to your bong. It does get hot however. Personally I just finished a vapor-bong session with my Silver Surfer. This was my first hit this morning with it below. It's also by 7th floor, and both the LSV and the SSV use the same heating element, and are incredible vapes - but the Silver Surfer sits down on a desk, and you have to use plastic tubing, where the LSV connects directly to your bong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9r3vxeq8Ik&feature=youtube_gdata_player
How much are the silver sufers? So I should just go with the whole unit ur saying? Are they the same price..? Want the one which is gunna last long hate buying new shit lol Idk why.
[quote name='"BuRnTrEeS247"']How much are the silver sufers? So I should just go with the whole unit ur saying? Are they the same price..? Want the one which is gunna last long hate buying new shit lol Idk why.[/quote] Both of them will last a lifetime. The LSV is better for bongs because you don't have to use tubing, but it also gets hotter, and it's handheld. The SSV can do bongs, but has to go through the hose for it. It also does dry with the hose + mouthpiece, and is a unit that would sit on your desk. It's up to you which one you'd prefer. They are the same price. It's around 220-260 I'd say? There is also the Da Buddha (DBV) - which is made by the same company. It's very similar to the Silver Surfer (SSV), but isn't slanted, and doesn't have a glass temperature knob. All 3 units have the same heating element. All three can vapor-bong - but the LSV is meant for vapor-bonging more. The DBV is a bit cheaper though, for 160-180 or so.
I use a DBV for vapor bonging (its the only way I use it) and I couldn't be happier. I payed $150 out the door at my LHS like 3 years ago (I have never seen a cheaper sticker price anywhere, even straight from 7th Floor). Then I just bought a $10 14mm hose adaptor to fit the downstem of my straight tube and was ready to go. The SSV has a downward joint angle which is nicer than the DBV, so if you don't mind footing the bill you should, but yeah the DBV is otherwise perfect for vaporbongs. I know absolutely nothing about the LSV other than that my LHS carries them. I imagine they are awesome as well though, 7th Floor hasn't disappointed me yet
Your looking for a whip based vaporizor, then you need a fitting from the tube to your bong. Now, I own one... so maybe bias... But the easiest way to get it done if you have 18mm is to pick up an airizer extreme Q off amazon for $180. Its a decent vape, it will do whip and bags... but more importantly it uses 18mm gong fittings, and comes with multiple 18mm elbows that fit the whip tubing... so out of the box you just use the whip, stick the bag attachment on the end and drop it in your bong and your ready to go... everything included. DBV (da buddah vape) would be another solid choice... Tiny bit more money, but possibly a better vape (though whip only, no bags) and you will have to find and buy a fitting for your bong to the tube (if your 18mm you could probably just buy the elbow from airizer, they sell parts) Herbal Air and Vapor Bros is probably worth looking into too, ridiculous amounts of info over at fuckcombustion.com, basically a 50+ page thread on each of the popular ones. Almost too much info, but just click a random page and start reading usually no need to read the whole thing as they start repeating, but try and read the later sections as there are some model changes sometimes.