Has anyone gotten the balls to vaporize in the movie theater? I DID!!!! And it was AWESOME! I went to the movie to see ............f*ck I forgot what we saw! Lol, that's how you know I was flucked up. I went my friends and I had my Pax by Ploom filled with some platinum Kush, and my Gpen loaded with some crumble wax. My advise to anyone who is gangster enough to try this, don't sit under the projector! The vapors did show up in the light of the projector, but there's no real smell. Ok, maybe with the pax but I made sure I wasn't near anyone. Lol I definitely want to do this again, any suggestion on what to see for next time?Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum
I've been doing this for about 3 years now with my MFLB. I always fill the trench halfway and it lasts through a 2-3 hour movie with constant hitting easily. You shouldn't really need any suggestions other than common sense, cover your PAX while you hit it and just watch the movie naturally. No one should smell it or notice you, ever.
Aways carry a fart tablet, or stink bomb you get them in joke stores, anyone give you shit you just step on this sucker and Whamm!!! people will leave you alone after that, if you can always exhale into a large coke bottle with ice to reduce any visible detection, many theaters have cctv cams going to stomp on piracy and serial killers like last year
I have a vape pen that can hold over 1 gram of oil. I take that thing everywhere, and hit it anywhere. Especially in the movies. Pretty much portable dabs. Last movie I saw, me and 2 girls got ripped out of our minds by the time the movie was over. Standing up and walking down the stairs was a challenge.
I have a DaVinci I take along for certain flicks.Sent from my Galaxy SII using Grasscity Forum mobile app
haaaaaha!!! That is so gangster! I want to highfive you right now! Next movie suggestion is from your profile pic. The Holy Mountain. Fuck shit up with that movie.
yeah i have, i have a mflb and just keep it in a mason jar and take it out to hit it. any smell from the raw weed doesn't linger long.
[quote name="FireStarter" post="19401611" timestamp="1390618173"]haaaaaha!!! That is so gangster! I want to highfive you right now! Next movie suggestion is from your profile pic. The Holy Mountain. Fuck shit up with that movie. [/quote]I wish they had that (the holy Mountian) movie on the big screen! People would trip the fuck out! Lol. Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum
[quote name="FireStarter" post="19401881" timestamp="1390621042"]The movie theatre employees would hand out diapers before the movie starts. [/quote]Hahahahahahahahahaha, right!?! Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum
Did this a couple weeks ago with a few buddies during The Hobbit Part 2 in IMAX 3D. We got really lucky and ended up being the only people in the theater. I actually came down so hard that I passed out about halfway through the movie for two minutes. (Of course I wasn't the only one flopped that night though.haha.) Great movie though I would definitely recommend it. P.S. - Smoke before or during, it definitely enhances the IMAX experience.
[quote name="Budbler" post="19413291" timestamp="1390790094"]been there done that, i own the mflb its a cheap small device that works well and gets me blazed[/quote]Well New York is really behind with stoner technology! Because people aren't really on the concept of vaporizing yet! That's what makes it so fun now, it's not on the radar.Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum
[quote name="Budbler" post="19415488" timestamp="1390833653"]werd i live in ny i can get away with vaping anywhere[/quote]Basically, I have! Follow me on twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and tumblr: @livelowfi and/or @mountexp