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vaping question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mikevick, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. I got an awesome vape, the Magic Flight Launch-Box, and I get really high off of it, so do a lot of my friends, but two claim they don't, my question is should blow out nothing or should you blow out a light color steam/vapor?
  2. Usually you will be a able to see a little vapor ecspeacily if you blow the vapor in front of a light but you can get high when you cant see it too. If you want to see the vapor inhale slower or increase the temp.
    How much do you pack in a bowl of one of those?
  3. well with vapes it us best to aim for small light hits that you can hold in your lungs until nothing comes out.

    The speed at which you pull plays a large role in temperature. Pulling too fast cools it down and may not produce any vapor. On the other hand, pulling too slow may BURN it, and that is bad. It honestly takes practice to find exactly how slow or fast an individual needs to pull for a good blast of vapor.
  4. i usually set mine too 400 leave for 20 min. come back and i can smoke it.
  5. With that temp^^ you probably ARE SMOKING it.

  6. QFT. 400 is wayyyy to high of a temp to vape at i would suggest turning that temp down.
  7. Well with my easy vape i set it to about 340, when i exhale after holding for a few seconds I get a nice translucent vapor.

    To answer your question when you vape you should not smell or see any smoke, more of a vapor that disintegrates shortly after exhale, this is very nice for smoking with the parents home.
  8. #8 Scribb22, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    i had the same kinda problem, my mate was getting good use out of it but i was struggling to find it any more efficient than my bong, 5 things that i was doing wrong i think:

    not grinding my weed finely enough, i was using a cheap 2 piece and found as i started vaping the stuff at the bottom of the baggie alot more vape was coming out

    drawing too fast, you should be able to feel the heat in your mouth, im still fine tuning it but i find personally the hotter i can make the hit without burning it the better hit i get, also drawing in for aslong as i can.

    not charging the batteries enough, i now leave them charging all the time because when they are warm and fully charged they seem to be alot more effective

    filling the trough, i was originaly only putting the amount i would usualy put in a bong in the trough (to test how it compares) but if you fill it like it says with finely ground weed it seems to go alot further.

    hold it in for aslong as possible and as deep as possible, i usualy still see a tiny bit of vapor on exhaling

    if any of this is wrong please say because im still learning the launch box myself and could use the advise tbh. hope this helps abit
  9. Can't wait to get my Launch Box!! It's coming on thursday :hello:
  10. yeah with my magic flight i only ever get a tiny little bit of exhale vapour when i'm using a freshly charged battery and a new bowl, it doesn't matter if you aren't exhaling anything, your two friends who claim it doesn't work aren't inhaling or some shit...
  11. 20? mine heats up in 2-3. :eek:

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