Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by daniel 12, Mar 31, 2023.

  1. Hey Everyone..!

    This is my first time on this forum. I dropped the smoking habit and replaced it with vaping. I love it. I am a complete noob when it comes to this stuff so bare with me.i have

    a vaporesso and a aegis x. Hope i can find out some more information about this stuff or culture. Not sure what to call it because it seems to be more of a culture than just a

    smoking alternative. Please if i offend folks be gentle im learning

    Thank you for welcoming me to the forum, and I look forward to engaging with all of you!
  2. Hello, consider that it a drug and not tolerated by everyone my brouthor. If you like nicotine that what fit but if you want to put stuff on it that will look needy. personnaly when you feel the rush it will will open gates
  3. Look into dynavap
  4. Ive been vaping for over a decade. Elev8r (7th Floor) makes some of, if not the best desktop vaporizers in the industry, handsdown the best durability and build quality on all their units.

    If your looking for a forum that specializes in vaporizers. Fuckcombustion is where it's at.
  5. Which model do you have? Does it use butane?
  6. Check out Reddit, r/vaping. Congrats on the quit! I'm almost to 7 years cig free thanks to vaping. I still vape 3mg juice I diy.
  7. I have several M's and omni xl. You use a butane torch lighter to heat up the value. The chamber is small but this value packs a punch like no other.
  8. con
    congratulations on quitting cigs! vaporesso is brand that is not that popular and aegis somehow can last longer depending on a user. you can also mix it with weed tbh LOL.

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