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Vaping and Smoking at same time....What happens?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TokePuppy, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Would you get a different high? I got a mflb and a pipe and was thinking about doing it
  2. I do it all the time with my mflb and whatever I happen to be smoking out of(joint, bong, etc.) and what I notice is that when I vape after I smoke it sort of refreshes my high in an energetic sort of way. If I smoke after vaping it makes me more sleepy. If I do both at the same time I just get super high like that really heady high produced by the vape gets a little more hazy and more of a body high when I smoke.
  3. Do them both at the same time and you'll get FUCKKKEEd up. My friends and I often do this, we'll be passin around Da Buddha with a kingsized J lit. Beautiful!
  4. Do what I do...take a half hit off the MFLB then a half hit on the pipe (all in one inhalation).
  5. What happens-

  6. i get my 3 hits from my vapor genie than put the poo in my bong and rip away

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