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vaped weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Baked 4 Life, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Hey guys, I was just wondering if smoking the vaped weed(about 4-6 grams) that i have been saving for a couple weeks now get me high? I know there's not much THC left after vaping but will I feel anything if I smoke it? My tolerance is extremely low. I just finished my last trench and my dealers gonna be dry for a couple weeks at least. The weeds a light brown colour if that makes a difference.

    thanks in advanced for the replies and sorry if that didn't make sense i'm pretty stoned right now:smoking:
  2. Yes it will but it won't be a very long high and its kinda harsh and tastes like asshole

  3. alright thanks. I only need to smoke at night anyway to help me fall asleep so the high not lasting long isn't a big deal, and i smoke resin on occasion so i'm used to harsh\bad tasting smoke lol.
  4. I used to do abv hits out of my bong when I was out of herb. It does get you high but it's pretty harsh in the process, it tastes almost stale.

    I tried making abv brownies with an ounce of it, using coconut oil and only got a buzzed effect, but my oven temperature might be off so I'll have to check that out, cause I have four ounces of it sitting in my drawer here.

    I prefer it over resin though, about three times more.
  5. Vaped weed is better served in cookery than smoking.
    The fat will extract more of what's left than you setting it on fire.

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