Vape then smoke

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by happyjabez, May 30, 2011.

  1. Has anyone else tried smoking their after vape. Seems to yield a mild yet noticed high. A nice wake @ bake toke.
  2. Its better to save it up and make edibles. That what I do anyway. Can't bring myself to smoke that shit, taste very bad.
  3. Same method as cannibuter? Any suggestions
  4. Ye i just save my vaped weed, and add it to the batch whenever we make butter. You can do the same if youre making hash, or oil.
    A friend of mine used to vape every day then smoke what he vaped right before bed, because he said it made him just pass out... i always thought it'd give me a headache, but thats because im comparing it to stems, which doesnt really make sense haha
  5. I tried to make cannaoil with vaped stuff. lol, didnt work out, you have to have a decent amount for any effects.
  6. Ye random, youre right... i usually save stems as well then add some bud in when we make butter.
    You would need a LARGE amount of vaped weed alone to make a dec batch of oil/butter. Its a good additive though...

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