Vape Bong

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by OmegleMeister, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. So whenever I go into a head shop they have those little wooden converter pieces so you can rip your bong and get a huge vape hit.

    Can somebody explain the point of this to me? If you aren't combusting any material with the vape, and your getting hits of THC potent vapor, why would you bother filtering it through water which is only going to reduce the THC content of your hit. I'm also thinking your not going to be doing any milkshots with vapor haha.
  2. To get a huge rip?
  3. marketing bullshit to sell little kiddies think you need to have milky bong hits to prove how kool they are...
  4. I mean you would get a bunch of vapor if you filled up a bong too which would get you higher.... So its not really necessary you could just rip a lot of vapes but it would get it all at once
  5. Any time you use a bong you are reducing the amount of THC that ends up in your lungs.

    But a vapor bong hit is just awesome. You get a huge amount of vapor all at once, rather than slowly inhaling through your whip. And it's much smoother.
  6. It's the difference between smoking a bowl and a huge ass steam roller you just get a fat hit and it gets you higher
  7. I always use my DBV through my bong, and you can get some pretty serious milk up if you hit it for long enough.
    Vapes make me cough because the vapor is so dry. Using it through the bong probably does get rid of some of the active goodies, but vapes are super efficient anyway so I still use less weed than when smoking a normal bong.

  8. This is true but idk the specifics im guessing the Amount of THC that is left behind in the water is Negligible.

    Cause the high when i dry hit my bong isnt any more or less intense than when i hit it with agua in there.

    This is just from my personal testing though :smoke:

  9. It's the piece itself not just the water. The more the smoke travels, the more it will condense on the surface of whatever (or in the water), leaving behind resin and lost THC.
  10. Can't milk? Says you I've seem massive rips taken this way. Pros you ask? Taste, high, healthy. Maybe they like a vaporizer but would like to rip bong? Don't like don't get.simple
  11. a clue for the ignorant peeps...

    vapor is NOT milky, ever...those milk shots are the result of combustion of the herbal plant matter...(I call it a "flash" of the material as it happens suddenly and the "flash" of heat also destroys the active substances you want.)
  12. Nah man, I watch my vape very carefully to make sure nothing combusts. You can get really thick vapor if you hit it slowly on a low heat for long enough, it just gathers and gets thicker and thicker as you go. After hitting it a few times the herb is only medium browned, never black/dark brown.
  13. At 195 on my extreme Q I get miiilllky hits

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