vacuum car

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by stonerish, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. k guys, you know the dyson vacuum thing, the one with the wheel... well, that wheel works well, maybe car wheels should be ball shaped, put 2 and compensate the design for the different forces
  2. yea that makes sense fully, but i think the problem is that its really hard to bring power to the balls or control which direction it takes you, like a wheel can. if a ball is attached to anything it loses its ability role on all axis, u kno:confused: but if you could bring power to it that would be better for handling.
  3. audi made a prototype for irobot i believe.
  4. huh:confused:
  5. I see what you're saying, but in todays market, function matters much more than design.

    And as Mr. Dankmen mentioned, making the balls fully functional by steering wheel would be impossible, or incredibly complicated. We use the 4 wheel formula because it's tried and true, and has 100 years of reliable history.

    Get a car to operate on water or some other easily renewable resource, it will blow away every new age-designed car, even if it's the shittiest model Kia.
  6. #6 SkunkWoodz, Oct 5, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2008

    and here's an excerpt from

    "It is 2035 in Chicago, and cars no longer travel on wheels but on spheres. ''Integrating these spheres into the car's design was one of the greatest challenges we had to solve'', says Julian Hanig, responsible for the RSQs exterior design. The result was a two-seat, mid-engined sports car with sphere-shaped wheels running in similarly shaped wheel arches. Hanig said. ''This even enhanced the car's sculptured character.''"

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