I'm gonna be using my new VaporGenie tonight and I'm pretty excited, but I just want to know a few things before I get started since I hear the learning curve is tough (I wanna become pretty good at it before the weekend when I'm using it with my mates). First of all, how do I know when my bowl is done or not? Does it look charred or something, or change colour? Or do I have to guess based on how much vapor I'll be inhaling in? Also, I hear some bad stuff about the bic lighters getting flint and other bad stuff into the device that I'll end up inhaling. Can I avoid this by sparking my light away from the device?
It'll be very brown and difficult to get vapor from. "Charred" black would be an indication of combustion. It is relatively easy to combust, so the flame shouldn't be going all the way into the bowl (just enough to heat the air passing through), and sparking away may help some, but probably not perfect. Hemp wick is what I would recommend...but I can't seem to get hits with it, just seems like it burns too cold. A lighter is fine I wouldn't fret too much. Its the taste that it mainly effects.
I've now got some light brown and dark brown left in my chamber -- should I smoke the light brown stuff until it becomes dark brown.
[quote name='"Neonman Carpool"']I've now got some light brown and dark brown left in my chamber -- should I smoke the light brown stuff until it becomes dark brown.[/quote] Nah light brown is fine too, I would just keep either to make edibles, hash, or tincture. Revaping or smoking are options too but they aren't as fun.