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Using MMJ as social phobia therapy

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by DfromTheDay, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. Hey to everyone:
    Has anyone ever heard of people with social phobia or some similar sort of psychological problem actually getting better by continually being high?  When I'm high, I do so well with people, but when I'm not high, I have to avoid people because I'm nervious and things get all screwed up.  It's easier to stay alone.  I'm wondering if day after day of being high and interacting well with people well but while intoxicated could possibly help my situation.  Has anyone had experience or have knowledge of this sort of thing?
    Thanks very much.

  2. Having MMJ to relieve social anxiety and nerves and so on can help, sure, as you have experienced, but I wouldn't think simply being high "continually" and "day after day" to deal with things is a solid solution long term...that's more masking the problem and making you dependent on a crutch for social things, rather than it being a solution.  If you've found you can do ok with anti-anxiety strains in you, and no one is looking at you oddly from your behavior, words, etc. in that situation, great, but it would seem to me that using that as you have as a bit of a boost, then weaning yourself away from it in potentially stressful social situations as you gain confidence, skills, and comfort is a better outcome than simply being baked all the time.
    Using your MMJ to overcome social awkwardness may be a good tool for you to use on your way to learning better social interaction, but I personally wouldn't suggest using it "day after day" and "continually" for it; that would just be putting on another mask for people that is different from your other social one...the wallflower, etc., but wouldn't genuinely be getting you ahead, long term.  Use it as a tool, rather than a solution in and of itself.
  3. Try strains that have a relatively high content of cannabidiol a.k.a. CBD. CBD supposedly counteracts the psychotropic effects of THC, so you don't feel as high and are more functional, plus CBD itself supposedly has an anti-anxiety effect.

    Cannabidiol reduces the anxiety induced by simulated public speaking in treatment-naïve social phobia patients
    Neural basis of anxiolytic effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in generalized social anxiety disorder: a preliminary report

    You can also try these CBD products, which are completely legal (although pricey) in the USA because they're made from hemp and have negligible THC:

    Dixie Botanicals (Dew Drops and Hemp Oil Capsules)
    CanChew Gum

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