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Using Cannabis after a heart attack ?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by wbaked, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Hi folk :wave:

    I'm looking for any info I can get on using cannabis after having a heart attack.

    Obviously smoking anything is not a good idea, but does anyone have any knowledge or experience on using it at all after a heart attack.

    Any sensible input would be much appriciated :D
  2. I'm not advocating you to smoke because I really don't know. But what I do know is cannabis is a vascular dilator, and that it speeds up heart rate.
  3. I wouldn't use it for at least 6 months. It does increase heart rate, and that's not good for the heart tissue repairing itself so soon after a heart attack. You want to minimize scar tissue.
  4. Yeah don't smoke for a couple months and while you wait save some money for a vaporizer much safer especially in your situation
  5. i say this because i genuinely care ,ask a real doctor tho it does speed up the heart rate and as stated above does not seem like a good idea :) stay healthy!
  6. hope things turn out in your favor op! but yea i wouldn't smoke so soon after something like that. but im not a doctor.
  7. Personally I would ask the advice of a medical professional.
  8. I have had 2 major heart attacks and 3 minor ones in 7 years.
    The Doc will tell you that smoking, of anything, is a HUGE NO-NO!
    However, the Doc will also tell you if you are going to use Cannabis use a Vape, no smoke.

    Now depending on what has been done you might be using a blood thinner of one kind or another, if so, you must let the Doc know you are using Cannabis because it does have an effect on how the blood thinner works. I check my blood every week to make sure it's not clotting too fast.

    At no time did the Docs I saw, in the hospital, tell me NOT to use Cannabis, just to use a vape or eatables.

    None of the Docs said anything about waiting for any lenght of time so I didn't.

  9. You should probably go to the hospital first?

    Vape - Take it slow and steady.
    Quit smoking tobacco (if you do) right now.
    Get yourself on a light cardio workout, or buy a dog and walk him daily.
    I would personally not fuck with edibles until you're properly recovered.

    Good luck.

  10. I second the walking bit. Running causes way too much stress, so after an AMI running could make things worse.

    Personally, I wouldn't do ANY psychoactives for several months.
  11. Personally i wouldn't, but like said before definitely check with a doctor. I'm on some supplements right now that raise my heart rate, and i find when i smoke all i can think about is whether or not my heart rate is too fast. Its not a good way to enjoy the herb, at least for me
  12. Thanks for all the reply's guys :).
    It was actually my dad who had the heart attack btw, he had a stint put in and has to rest up and do nothing for at least 6 months. He's staying away from it till at least then, we where just just thinking more down the line once he's fully recovered. You probably wont be shocked to hear he asked the doctor, who had to go ask another doctor who went and asked another doctor ect and it came down to, well were not really sure lol :S .

    I'm going to keep doing my research but at the moment vapeing sounds like its going to be the way forward.
    Question is, will vapeing effect/clog the arteries at all (Infact does MJJ do this at all or just tobacco, something I've never thought about till now) . I know all about how vapeing works and all-tough significantly less than combustion it still leaves a oily/tar like substance (Gots me a Iolite) , I would be worried this could help him towards another heart attack. If thats the case it will be space cakes all round :)

    Thanks again for the input and support fellas

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