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Using C02 outdoors

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Homergrower, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. I have a small backyard, well backyard is a stretch it's more of a court yard.

    We have a Gas water heater for our hot water, now i've noticed a wavey gas coming out of the top when the water is heated....
    IS THIS Co2 ??????

    I'm pretty sure it is, but just wated to be sure. My last grow was next to this water heater and the cola's got very decent large, and dense. It Only dawned on me recently that the co2 coming out of the gas heater may have helped the plants along.

    could i be right???

    I've got 6 new seedlings started for the HomerGrowers 07/08 outdoor grow, and i've put them up close to the vents on the water heater, they seem to be doing very well and we've only just come into spring here.

    P.s - APEC has ruined our beautiful Sydney.... FUCK BUSH, FUCK HOWARD !

    Thankyou for any responses in advanced.
  2. could be co2..... possilble. or just venting warm air witch has about .5% co2.

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