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Using a Glass Pipe

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bachrock, Feb 28, 2009.

  1. Hello,

    I'm relatively new to smoking weed (have used a bong a few times).

    I just bought an 1/8th and have smoked a few bowls out of a glass pipe. I'm getting inconsistent results (I took more hits the second time yet got more high the first time) and want to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

    I know I have the basic technique down, but must be doing something wrong to get such inconsistent results.

    Any advice is welcome.


    Also, is it commonly known that packing too small of a bowl will creates way too much smoke?
  2. #2 mattc707, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2009
    Was it the same weed both times?

    Packing small bowls doesn't necessarily create too much smoke. It's more about how tight you pack the bowl that determines how thick the smoke is.
  3. Watch some videos.
  4. Try inhaling some air after your hit to push all the smoke into your lungs and hold it in.

    hope that helped.

  5. I assume loose bowls create a lot of smoke which would make sense with the small bowl I packed.

    As for the other times though, it was the same weed. Kept it in the fridge and smoked a few days apart. I packed all the bowls as similar as possible. Tight from what I can tell, but not as tight as possible so air can still get through.

    I light the weed for a second or two while sucking in, release the carb, suck in smoke, take my mouth of the pipe, suck in air, hold for 5-10 seconds, and blow smoke out.

    Sometimes I wouldn't get enough smoke and could see that when I breathed out after a hit and other times I would take too much and wouldn't have a way to hold it in. So maybe I just need to find the perfect medium. Any advice on that?
  6. Practice makes perfect.
  7. All I can say is how good is the weed and how much do you smoke at a time? If its shitty weed, thats part of the problem

    That and just keep practicing...youll get it down eventually
  8. Take as big of a his as you're comfortable with, and with time and more smoking you'll be able to take bigger and bigger hits. If you're gonna cough, try to get all the smoke out and another breath of air in first, or that shit hurts.
  9. It's not shitty weed. I was told it's white widow, although it's not really all that white, so I don't know about that. It's quality though.

    I shared 3 bowls with 3 people both times. The first time I was almost couch-locked while the second time I was barely high.

    I'll give it another shot in a few days.
  10. Youre new to weed and went straight for the widow? I like your style, its a shame you cant hit a bowl. Idk, youre either shitty at packing bowls or inhaling.
  11. That was helpful (not) :rolleyes:

  12. And that was witty (not) :rolleyes:
  13. It wasn't meant to be. I'm sorry your sarcasm detector is broken. You could have at least pretended to be helpful but what do I know...
  14. This might seem obvious, but you need to make sure the weed is actually burning after you light it (referred to as cherried or cherrying). If you use a bic, you can hold it so the little metal part reflects the inside of the bowl so you can tell if its burning. If you don't see light reflected off the metal, it's not burning and you'll need to light it until it will stay lit while you pull on the pipe. When you stop pulling and take the pipe away from your mouth, smoke should come off the bowl.

    You need to make sure you're sucking the smoke that you pull into the pipe through the pipe, and then some fresh air down into your lungs to ensure you get all the smoke into them.
  15. with bongs you can see it cherry
    i love when you pac a big bowl and it like curls out and sich
  16. Thanks for the assistance. I think I'm just not keeping it lit long enough so I'm not getting enough smoke. I took a big hit my first time which is probably why I got really high and didn't want to take such big hits again.
  17. yea u have to take hits that ur comforatable with. i had to learn from smokeing a glass pipe and it took me a few trys to actually get the hang of it but once u do it a breeze.
  18. Thanks for the comments. I've had more experience now and can get more consistent results. Have you had the experience where the more often you smoke, the less high you can get? I've heard about this, but don't know if it would apply to me yet. I've smoked about 7 times within 10 days.
  19. If you smoke frequently you'll build up some tolerance to it. It varies per individual.
  20. different bud? or maybe not inhaling as much.

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