
Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by chipfan04, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. Is there a way to change your username?
  2. Nope, now go eat your chips.
  3. lol thanks, its a baseball thing not a munchie thing.
  4. There is only one way.

    1st you must grow a 3inch beard, no more no less

    2nd you must stand in a rusty barrel filled with frog piss at midnight on a full moon in the middle of a field with exactly 47 cow pies.

    3rd you must hum the theme to Hawaii 5-0 26 times

    4th you then hold an umbrella above your head spinning inside the barrel slowly while hopping on one foot.

    5th then you sacrifice a grasshopper to the Username gods, while repeating your desired username 69 times.

    Its that simple. Good luck! :wave:
  5. Your in the wrong section man.

    Contact RMJL.

    However it's not something which is done a lot of the time.
  6. mat, i think the mods could make a deal if he posted a vido of him doing all this,
  7. Haha now that would be funny.:D
  8. I think you guys should adopt that policy :hello:

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