use for male plant?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by kuriositat, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. what do you do with a plant that turns out to be male? Many say that you can make cannabutter from male plants, but does anyone have any personal experience with doing so? Also, where can you buy seeds in the US? Of course you can get them from your bags, but what if you never get seeds, EVER, this way (aside from one solitary bastard that turns out to be a male)? One may be hesitant to ask such a question to their connect for obvious reasons... So what would you guys suggest?
  2. I havent done it, but can use males for cooking and such

    You cant buy seeds in the US, you gotta have to send off for them from another nation like Canada or the Netherlands. But Id say you are better off just getting a cheap bag some time and using those
  3. I guess I should rephrase that... Where can you buy seeds if YOU are in the US? It seems like the only time you really get seeds is when you get less than quality product, and it's unlikely that you'd want to plant any of that.
  4. Google online seed banks.
  5. Use for male - compost.
  6. Rope?
  7. Throw them away.There more harm than good :smoke:
  8. use it to pollinate part of or a full female plant to get seeds from that female for free of course at the expense to the bud being produced

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