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usa slang?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by leafman, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Ok with me being from the uk and this being maily usa/cad/ect forum i am reading slang like ,mids/regs/ect ,anyone be so kind as to post a list of what the slang trems mean on here ,thanks alot.
  2. Regs-kinda shitty weed
    Mids-pretty good weed
    High's- good weed
    Dank or skunk-amazing weed
    Shwag-the shittiest of shittiest weed. Dirt in a bag.

    If theres any other terms i can help you out with let me know
  3. mids isnt pretty good bud, its alright bud. beasters is pretty good, bud.
  4. There's a ton of slang from different parts of the country and canada and stuff that you'll just learn over time, and some of it is even the same word with different meanings haha.

    Generally -

    Shwag - seeds, brownish, bad quality
    Regs and Mids - Middle quality, hence the mids
    Dank - High quality
  5. Lol at both of these guys. Here in the atx shwag is not dirt in a bag, and we definitely have some good "mids" man i hate slang. Everyone and there dog think slang words are open for interpretation.

    Shwwag/mids= Average pot, with stick and seeds(obviously don't buy it if its brown)
    top shelf/dank= the good'll learn all this in time op
  6. You serious? Potato or potato man? lol
  7. I'm also from the uk, and from being on this forum for a year or so I've like subconsciously started used all the slang around my smoking buds, they don't have a clue what I'm on about :/

    Personally I think the american system of ranking bud is much better than ours, mainly because we don't have one. I always pay £12.50 for a teenth, £25 for an eighth etc never pay by quality. Somedays it might be some cheese or jack herer, other days its no-name generic farmhouse crap :/
  8. I live in Texas.. It basically goes like this.

    Reggie/mids = average shit with seeds and stems.. Sometimes no seeds.
    fire/"good"/dro = used to describe that $20 a gram bullshit.. But it's quality..

    I never hear the term shwag, high mids or beasters here.. It may be different in some places.
  9. Bollocks bloke!
  10. I hear shwagg all the time. Im surprised you dont.

  11. Slang words are specifically open for interpretation, they can differ in meaning between every regional group or cultures. For example, if you called me "frank" I'd have to take you out back and beat you with a rubber hose, because where I'm from being called "frank" is an insult, but to most people it's a name.
    Hell I never even heard of the phrases "beasters" and "spoon" until I came onto this website.
  12. Mexibrick-Compressed weed not much better than dirt from mexico. Not worth anyones time.

    Shwagg- Leafy, stemy, seedy, can be slightly brown but mostly green.

    Mid- Better than the two before. Can be great bud, or not so great. Usually there's low mids, regs, high mids/beasters.

    Beasters- It's supposed to be any bud from B.C Canada. But lots of people refer to it as high mids. Great quality, usually very sticky, very green, can have lots of hairs.

    Dank, fire, chronic, kine, headies- The most top shelf quality. Most smell, taste, can be covered in trichs. Can also be any colour really.

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