US Tubes Tree Percs are here!

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by sinsemillaplease, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Yep.... you read correctly. Clumsy kids rejoice! :hello:




    Tube specs from Puff:
    19" tall
    50mm x 7mm tubing
    60mm x 5mm tree chamber
    tree has a 19mm upstem
    19mm GOG fitting
    19/14 diffy

    Tree arm specs from Puff:
    upstem 19mm !!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:
    arms 13mm

    US Tubes knows what they're doing... no matter what kind of tube they're making. Fat upstems and super thick tree arms mean this beast of a tube has very little drag and won't need tree repairs if it gets tipped over. Anyone ever seen a broken US Tube anyway? I haven't... that's saying something. :eek:
  2. Clumsy kids can definitely rejoice.

    Do you know the general price range of these tubes?
  3. Id assume around 290-350, hopefully not any more than that. Ive heard so much about US tubes but have yet to see or touch one, Im not sure if Id want to though because it would possibly be an instant buy, Ive never seen more solid looking peices than US tubes.
  4. Very nice, I would eventually like to upgrade to a perc'd piece, and a US Tube seems like the perfect thing.

  5. I would be very surprised if it was in that range. The sticker on a 5mm stemless natural disc diffused tube is $350-375. I would have to assume its harder to make the percd tubes.
  6. I have no idea on price. I snagged these pics from a product review on TC and they don't allow you to ask price in the forums. :(

    I agree... their perc'd/disc tubes are more expensive to make than their thinner equivalents from other brands I'm sure.
  7. instant jizz your pants material... the second i can afford a new tube... this is IT..
  8. i want, ive been hearing about em for a while. seen a few and they work great. now i just gotta find somewhere to buy one
  9. mhhhh....... I don't like it. I think the tree's look fugly. Depends on the price though. If thats in between $400 and $500, which I'm guessing it will maybe more, I would pass.
  10. Dude. that is so sick
  11. I don't think they've hit shop shelves anywhere yet. They aren't at my local shop for sure. The review was probably done on an early release tube or a prototype.
  12. yeah i read the review on tc. and to yawbus, its not entirely about asthetics. us tubes has always been about functionality before looking nice. i know what you mean though i thought the same at first but now i kind of like it. its different

  13. It looks sick, no doubt. There is just something awesome about the look of that quality sparkling glass, inside of glass. I'm not so sure if i agree with ya though fish. The reason being, is part of the word "functionality", at least to me, means being able to be easily cleaned. I want that sparkle to it all the time. If it is not easily cleaned, its not functional to me. Seems 99% of pics of ppls tree's and such, they are all dirty and grimy looking with lime buildup, with the dull looking glass where the tree's and chambers are.
  14. That's cause everyone doesn't know how to keep their tubes clean. Check out some perc tubes over on GD. You won't see glass sparkle like that anywhere but on shop shelves.
  15. just to clear something ive been wondering up.. can you clean perc'd bongs the same way i would clean a straight tube.. furiously shaking the tube back and fortth up and down, with isopropyl and epsom salt.. im worried the constant thrashing back in forth might do something to the percs... i don't own a perc'd bong so i was just wondering what technique if different do you use..
  16. Is there an "easy" way of keeping them cleaned? What would you reccomend?
  17. #17 sinsemillaplease, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    You can do it with a quality perc'd tube... but I'm just as afraid of it as you are. I tend to swirl the tube around versus the violence of up and down.

    Honestly though, I only use iso+salt as a back-up to abrasively wipe off any resin that Grunge Off or Simple Green render non-sticky.. and for downstems and slides.], which get way more filthy.

    I used Simple Green to clean your tube overnight. I also soaked the slide and diffuser in SG before vigorously shaking them with iso+salt. I typically put iso+salt into a sturdy Ziploc brand freezer bag to shake individual slides in. For diffusers, I pour salt in.. then alcohol while capping the downward end with one hand... then cover the top end and shake.... hard.
  18. As if the worry of cleaning percs has stopped ANYONE from buying a perc'd tube.......

  19. if you have to fill your whole bong up with grunge off, how do you afford to clean your bong every day or every other day whatever..

  20. YES ME!!! lol Seriously, i like mine sparkling clean, but i would like to buy and have a nice quality perc piece. I had to buy a drinking glass sponge to clean my current piece(non-perc) so even it was hard to keep clean w/out the sponge. 420 cleaner or iso and salt alone wouldnt get the job done. You get that dull lime film. That sponge cleans it off, but can't find a liquid alone to do it. Roor sells a solution specifically for this symptom, but im sure it costs an arm and a leg. Havent tried the simple green yet, does it work for that? Heard clr works but havent tried it either. I'm sure there is an easy liquid method but it doesnt seem like its commonly used.

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