I want honest answers and no bs please.....do you think the us gov will ever quit lying to us? Also why do they think we are so damn stupid? I think they think we are kids instead of tax paying citizens.. We do not deserve to be lied to about anything..... From taxes to ufo to imigration , all we get is lies, lies, lies, gimme your feedback.
they will never stop lying...it is what keeps the same cronies in power they don't care if we are stupid or not, it doesn't matter if we 'figger it all out' they will continue to treat us the same way. you control the information, you control the population.
Whether we deserve it or not, as individuals we may be smart, but in mass, we become stupid. Feeding awareness to the public is a delicate process, obviously. If at anytime, whether it was the 60's or now, if they leaked out info that proved the existence of E.T's, no down societies sanity would be unhinged, even the believers. To them, it is essential that we be slowly conditioned, in whatever sense necessary, until we, as a mass, are capable of handling such vital information... Then again, it may all simply be lies meant to keep us in the dark. Which may lead to tyranny and subjective or objective enslavement, in regards to us as a mass. Although I hope for the best, I still hate the government. My only advice would be to grow in your own sense, and take from the world what you want and what you can and try to enjoy it all to your fullest. And all those scum out there who disagree, just fuck their women and drink their beer and I assure you that in time you will come to accept your, from a large perspective, insignificant life. Oh ya, don't forget to smoke some weed.
This, to me, is painstakingly obvious, yet people seem so blind to this apparent fact. Maybe it isn't that they are blind to this fact, but they are blind to the idea of life without an overbearing government. Why do most people view it as necessary? The evils it produces are necessary?
i love my government awesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawe somefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesom efaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefa ceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefacea wesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawes omefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesome faceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefac eawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceaw esomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceaweso mefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomef aceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomeface awesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawe somefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesom efaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefa ceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefacea wesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawes omefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesome faceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefac eawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceaw esomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceaweso mefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomef aceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomeface awesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawe somefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesom efaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefa ceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefacea wesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawes omefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesome faceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefac eawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceaw esomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceaweso mefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomef aceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomeface awesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawe somefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesom efaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefa ceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefacea wesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawes omefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesomefaceawesome
Do you lie, cheat, steal, and kill on a regular basis? I don't. You seem to be confusing desperation with humanity.
A government doesnt run itself; it just so happens to employ some of the best liars and scumbags with a college degree. But whose to say that what they are doing is wrong? And what makes you think you are ever being told the whole story? You may sit behind your computer and/or tv uneffected by all the many new world tragedies, and innocent lives lost because of some cruel dictator; OR you may momentarily feel sympathetic, until you realize that they're just people, and you've got bills to pay. They are not significant. We. are. not. significant. No one is special. Because at the end of the day, we are still the working class. We are their little worker bees, conditioned to keep the cash flow abundant on their end. And what's more pathetic is that WE ARE essentially allowing this type of ignorance to flow unabaded. We are the consumers, but what are we consuming? Everything! We are ungrateful, spoiled cattle.. Look at it this way, we arent so different from the corporations who run our nation. The only difference is that we are expendable. We are the true deceivers. We are the ones who choose to shade our lives from the truth, and most anything that threatens our perception of reality - what we find most "comfort" in. But I say, fuck being comfortable; comfortable is stagnant. Im sorry for the rant, I'm just tired of hearing/seeing people complain about being lied to, in general - not just with our government. You really want an answer from our government? Well, I'd advise that you dont hold your breath waiting. Turn off your tv - go pickup a book, and read.
True, a government is comprised of people. The difference is that these people are operating in an environment, or through an entity, which is in opposition of nature. Anyone who is familiar with such things as common sense, ethics, and morality for starters. Who said anything about significance? What relevance does some vague interpretation of significance, or lack there of, have?
Certainly most people are blind to the fact that the vast majority of Governments do really evil and fucked up shit, but the people who still remain Statists hold out hope, because, to them, all they need is 'the right people' to be in Government. To them, the evils of Government are perpetrated by people who are in opposition to their own political ideology, and they think all that needs to be done is to get people who think like them in office, and it will all be fixed.
Those who have some sense of morality. You never have complete information. As humans, we will always be working with incomplete information. Not sure how this is relevant at all to the discussion of government. I'm just tired of other people speaking for me. Who the fuck is 'we'? Surely, you can't be speaking for me since you don't know me at all. Why should anyone take your massive generalizations (see underlined) seriously?
You've never heard of a person/group that was never involved with the government, that did any of these things?
I've never met a person outside of the corporate/governmental partnership that had such actions legitimized by a position in this partnership.