URGENT!! Snapped Plant nearly in half.

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by QuietRiot, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. I was trying to LST my plant and bent the plant a tiny bit to far (because im an idiot) and it snapped nearly in half about three inches from the bottom. I put a long piece of plastic in the soil near the center of the plant to hold it up for now, is there anything I can do or am I going to lose the plant?
  2. quick duct tape it and seal the wound . that is your best bet good luck
  3. ^^ that or plastic wrap will work as well. It will stress the plant a bit but it will still thrive. For some advice tho, next time you do LST do it in stages. Do a little bit at a time and readjust it more and more every 2 days or so. This way you bend and dont snap.
  4. Thanks, should the type of tape matter? I used masking tape..
  5. Any strong tape should be fine, masking tape isn't "water tight" which means "plant juice" might leak out. If you have some plastic wrap, maybe wrap it with that and then another layer of masking tape. Just make sure it's nice and tight.
  6. ya also you want to start lst-ing before its too big 6"+ cause after that the stem is preetttyyy strong...

    good luck
  7. lol it's just supercropping =) your plant will be fine , just prop it up. Hell you can let it hang and it will still probably live. No need to tape everything up and cause more damage trying to get the tape off.

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