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Update on my mothers cancer.

Discussion in 'General' started by Diceman, May 17, 2010.

  1. #1 Diceman, May 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2010
    Gonna keep this short, I just wanted to let the people who have given me support and followed me through this know what's going on.

    She passed away on May 13.

    Wanna thank everyone for being there for me and lending an ear when I needed to vent. really helped talking to you. Thankyou for everything.

    It's sad I had to learn this lesson this way but..please try to not take people/time for granted. We always assume we're gonna have another day.

    edit: after napping off a couple 40's I realized I put March rather then May.
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  2. Honestly, I don't know what to say.

    My condolences Dice:(
  3. I'm really sorry to hear this, Diceman.

    My mother died when I was 14, but it was sudden.

    I always tell people I can't imagine what it would be like to to have to watch someone slowly die and struggle and fight for his/her life the whole way. It's so much harder that way.

    It will always hurt, but remember that time really does heal. It will hurt and hurt forever, but eventually it will only hurt a little, and you'll be able to look back on memories and smile instead of want to cry.

  4. Oh no Diceman....:( I'm sorry. Atleast know she is no longer suffering. Cancer is taking too many loved ones away from us :( it sucks. My dad always tells me to take advantage of what we have today, because tomorrow is not promised for anyone. It's true. Love you babes, message me anytime you already know I'm always here for you :love:
  5. Damn, sorry to hear that man. My words can never make up for the loss.

    She lives on through you<3
  6. You know in life, the only thing we got coming to us for certain is death.. its what we do in between that really counts.. Your mom raised a hell of a dude and im sure shes proud..

    Head up B
    • Like Like x 1
  7. All i can really say man is sorry that this has happend to you and your family. But i think like this at least now she isnt in pain and sick. she is at peace.
  8. Nothing I can say will make you feel better.
    But sorry man. Next joint is for you.
  9. Wow. I dont even know you man, but from the bottom of my heart I'm truly sorry.

    The bowls I light tonight are in your honor bro...
  10. Really sorry to hear that man. Take comfort in knowing that she's free from pain, and that you'll see her again one day.

    As you know, I lost my mom the same way in December. If you need to talk I'm definitely here for you man. I'd be a liar if I told you it gets doesn't. Having a close relationship with your parents is sort of a curse in this regard: once they're gone you feel lost.

    Lots of prayers for you cuz. Keep your head up
  11. #11 Diceman, May 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2010
    Thanks luke. I actually thought about you and your mom the other day. That's what made me think to come on here and let everyone know.

    I know they're both in a much better place now and like you said..they're aren't in pain anymore and that's what matters.

    I'm sad..but I'm happy knowing that she doesn't hurt anymore.

    I remember one time when I was talking with her about sleep and she just said she liked sleeping because it was the only time she wasn't in pain. Then she started crying..

    It broke my heart. I've been praying for her to be relieved of it...even though I knew what that meant. That was yea..we're all pretty messed up over here but that doesn't really matter. She's in a better place and I know it will get easier to deal with over time.
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  12. im very sorry for your loss.

    i wish you and your family the best of luck
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  13. i know your moms in heaven smiling down upon you.

    keep ya head up

    my moms got thyroid shit :/
  14. Lost my dad a couple years back to cancer. I feel for you man, I know what it's like. Just keep your head up and push forward, just gotta keep living your life as best you can, even though the pain will never really go away.
  15. I'm sooo sorry Diceman...
    words will never express the pain we feel when losing someone we love and care for... especially our parents...I'm so heart broken to hear a blades has to go thru this, I'll pray for her <3 also remember she's always there close by you & if you ever need anything all you have to do is talk to her.
  16. I'm so sorry for your loss Diceman. I can't offer up any noble words of wisdom, but I will keep you in my thoughts. It's a terrible loss.
  17. :(

    My thoughts are with you.
  18. I don't know you well Dice and I didn't hear about this before, but I'm sorry to hear for your loss, but also happy that she's moved on and won't have to be in pain anymore.
    This thread is something that hits me where it matters and it's a good thing man.
    I hope you keep pulling through strong.
  19. RIP mama dice. :(
  20. to the OP -
    I cant imagine how hard it is to lose a parent, you just have to treasure the good memories, truly sorry for your loss

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