I couldn't find one like this, so I'm starting a thread to discuss, vent, lecture, give tips, etc for mental illnesses of all types. After a few Vyvanse (amphetamine) binges with my friends, I started to notice something was very wrong with me. Somehow I know those weeks of sleeplessness and high-dose drugs caused the start of my mental issues. I have a combination of Avoidant and Schizoid personality disorder. Basically it means that I'm constantly switching from hyper-reflectiveness about myself to sharp connection with the external world. I often feel inauthentic, robot-like and hungry for love. Sometimes I get small bouts of erotomania, meaning I falsely believe somebody is in love with me. I have what would be called "autistic thinking" and I'm either very articulate in my speech or not able to articulate shit. Schizoids like me are interested in only one or two things, but usually are EXTREMELY good at them. For me this means music. I excel at music, and nothing else. But I fit the "covert" symptoms, meaning I appear to be very engaging with people in life. The difference is that I have a mental block that allows nobody to reach me. It's complicated to explain. Let's PRAISE our illnesses. I myself am trying to make the most of my illness. If it wasn't for being Schizoid (and slightly avoidant) I probably wouldn't be a musician. Talk up mental illness
Good job coming to terms with it man! lesson learned- binges CAN affect you badly. Time to go out there and be the next Kurt Cobain... who needs a social life when they make an impact that big?
Mental illness exists, but I'm willing to bet that most supposed cases are just people not coping with what they, as human beings, should be able to cope with. That's actually a mental illness, too. You can fix it by growing up.
talking about mental illness is stupid and everytime i tell people i have some i hate it i feel guilty like i'm whining or making up excuses, hell you wouldn't even know i had it. and ot the guy above it's real yes there are alot of cases where there is not much wrong iwth the person and they want to be "mentally ill" which fits right in with what you said. All in all i'm done discussing it
Nice nice words. I have a social life, it's just very "inauthentic". The only authentic parts are when I'm playing music with my friends. Music is my speech.
i was force fed Ritalin for about 7 years, i am now anti-social, have a hard time talking to be i dont know (i get confused and it makes me look dumb, although when im around people i know im pretty smart) i think everyone thinks that im a loser and i hate everyone until i get to know them im pretty much fucked and theres nothing i can do about it
Same man, My mom made me took all kinds of medications when I was a little kid starting with that shit. I fully blame her and those medications for all the "Mental problems" I have today. Mental Illnesses are no joke. Those who don't have them just wont understand.
thisthisthisthisthis I hate hearing about people's supposed multiple "disorders" (not aiming this at OP).
You all might "hate" hearing about it and not choose to believe they're real. Generally, people don't WANT to be diagnosed these life-changing illnesses. You think we act in these ways because we simply don't want to grow up? This thread is mostly here for support for those with actual disorders.
it might not be "dumb" i guess but i always feel like a downer and people just think i'm makin shit up so i just gave up on telling people about it unless they are actually asking so they can learn something
Well, if you have been diagnosed with a mental illness, you probably have it. They have solid causes that can be tested for like increased dopamine in the brains of Schitzofrenics and and imbalance of serotonin leads to depression and or anxiety
^ that. I would agree that some people attribute their inability to grow up with a mental disorder, but people with things like schizo can't help it. My uncle has it, so I know what you mean.
I agree. After telling so many people, and seeking help, you just give up and stop talking about it all together. Most people don't believe you, or offer some go-running-change your diet-it's all in your head remedy, or they just say "get over it" or don't care enough to be bothered. Then weeks later, they're the same ones crying on the 5 o'clock news about finding their loved one hanging in the closet or overdosed on medication... Yeah there are some people who don't have mental illnesses and just maybe need to buck up or talk to someone, but there are a lot of people who do have mental disorders, yet no one takes the time to just listen to them and help.
I guess people who feel that discussing mental illness is 'dumb' are just frustrated with themselves and are projecting that frustration and denial onto others and the external world. A diagnosed mental illness is not an excuse for antisocial behavior but it is in part an explanation. Take it from someone who has an autistic brother, mental illnesses are real, serious and can be life affecting/changing things. You cant cure mental illness by just 'growing up' as some have said, you can however come to terms with mental illness and that is part of growing up. The idea that you can somehow mature out of a schizoid personality disorder or depression is ridiculous.
Go to the doctor let them diagnose your disorder, what you THINK and what a doctor KNOWS isn't the same.
i didn't say it was dumb, i meant that it is pointless to talk about it openly with a gaggle of idiots waiting to refute it. i'd much rather discuss this shit with my friends or girlfriend. I am a paranoid schizo so i know the in's and out's of this shit. On this forum you most likely with get 1 hepful response with 11 others that are useless.
My post wasn't actually aimed at you but at Marijuanicles. I understand how you feel. Growing up I always had to make excuses for my brother, it actually tore my adolescence and childhood apart. People, friends would come up to me and say "your brother's crazy" and I would just have to laugh and agree with them because I knew they would never believe the truth/take it seriously anyway. It was almost impossible to relate the truth about my bro's autism/mental illness to people because either they were immature and didn't care or just gave the same 'its in his head' bullshit that you described. My childhood/adolescence was a living hell and for a while now I've felt the best way to cope was to detach myself and because of that defense mechanism I am now incapable of emotional depth, I am anxious all the time and go through long bouts of random depression. This has all been diagnosed many times over and I have come to terms with it.