Unlock the Psychedelic Secrets of Weed for Yourself

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by basedzeus, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. #41 Tokesmith, Jul 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2014
    You don't always hallucinate on a psychedelic. An unmentionable (fungus) that I've taken more than a few times has many different trips. One where I didn't hallucinate whatsoever but was in a totally different state of mind. One where I was in the dark and I did have closed/open eyed hallucinations. One where I didn't see but felt my thoughts (that was a bad one). Each trip is different and that applies to weed too. It's harder for you because you've built a tolerance.

    "I'm to drunk, to taste this chicken" -Talladega nights
  2. #42 basedzeus, Jul 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2014
    If people started dropping certain acidic substances or eating the unmentionable fungus (I'm new, apparently I can't use the "shr**m" word? how bout "shrume?") on the daily, they would also stop calling them psychedelics. I've known a person who ate the unmentionable fungus on the daily for 2 weeks and I couldn't even tell when she was high. She seemed very coherent and able to carry on normal conversations while "tripping" (can't even use that word anymore), which is more than you can say for someone high on a mega-dose of edible herb. 
    Psilocin isn't meant to be used on the daily, and people don't report the effects of psilocin based on the experience of daily users. So why should weed be? (excluding medical purposes of course)
  3. Well when people talk about "psychedelic" that usually refers to hallucinations. 
    The definition I found:
    <span>of or noting a mental state characterized by a profound sense of intensified sensory perception, sometimes accompanied by severe perceptual distortion and hallucinations and by extreme feelings of either euphoria or despair. </span>
    My experience is very limited with unmetnionables, just one time but it was very different than cannabis.  For me cannabis is more a medication now rather than some form of trippy hallucinogenic journey.  But hey if weed helps you reach some inner nirvana -like state then I think that's great. :smoke:   Everyone is different so the experience you receive is really subjective.  My high will differs from yours...but I think the majority of people don't view cannabis as a true psychedelic drug...but again it's all how you interpret the definition.
  4. Ever been to mt Olympus, I have.
  5. that's cool man, sincerely 
  6. You my friend have set the personal record for most written ive seen. Respect to anybody that actually read all of that. Damn man shorten shit up.... or atleast bold some stuff.

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