Alright so dumb situation, me with two buds were walkin and smoking when a cop pulls up out of nowhere and confonts us Long story short, I remain silent. Friend talks, ends up showing him the roach. The reason he does this is because he had placed two other joints behind the tree and he didn't want the officer to search around and find them. All he basically did, was voice our names over the radio. I didn't even hear a reply. He said that he was not going to issue any ticket or anything, but he was gonna file it with the states attorney. This was a campus police, but he did clarify that he had jurisdiction throughout the county. There is no proof that I had possession, but I'd like to get some of your guy's opinion of what will happen. I feel that it was minor and that this will just drift away. What's your take?
The dude probably could have fucked you over. By being honest and showing him the roach you showed him respect. What goes around comes around by making his job easy he made your life easy. Sounds like a good story to tell around the table.
Lol you had a roach??? Are you kidding. You sure this is college? Eat that shit and tell him to have a nice day aka suck your dick. Wtf is he going to prove with a roach? And if he saerched the area and found two j's, what makes those yours? Your fine stop beng a paranoid stoner.
Yeah twas rather dumb. I wasn't even smoking it when he came by so I didn't toss it, or a would of prolly done something different. I'm also not afraid, was just asking if you figured the cop would even bother sending that in to the state. I figured he was just giving us a hard time.
Hey I come from a small town, haha wasn't prepared for that nonsense. I presumed the 5th for a great deal of the encounter. Sometimes I wish could just telepathically tell my friends to keep their mouths shut.
[quote name='"blazedasfuck"']The dude probably could have fucked you over. By being honest and showing him the roach you showed him respect. What goes around comes around by making his job easy he made your life easy. Sounds like a good story to tell around the table.[/quote] This.
So I just was informed that I have been charged with less than 2.5 grams for this offense. This is a Class C misdemeanor. I'm already planning on lawyerin up because this is pure BS. I never even got a ticket or anything. I'm looking for your guy's advice. So the cop knows that all three of us smoked. He did not see me with the joint, nor did I admit to having it. However one of my friends did. Shall I just plea not guilty?
just plea guilty and not waste anymore time or money than you have too, if what your saying is correct your friend already fucked you by stating you were smoking and involved...if you plea not guilty all theyre going to have to do in court is pull up the police report where your friend blatantly gives both of you up.
if i were you in your situation now, i would just go to the court date, plead guilty and deal with the penalty. its a misdemeanor anyway, itll just be a fine, so pay it and move on with your life.
Does fighting result in a harsher penalty? And why do these cops do this? They don't even have the balls to tell me to my face. No, they just have to send me a fucking letter in the mail telling me to show up to court. I understand that I made a choice, and now I have to deal with the consequences- that's life. But since when have thing's gotten so fucked up that you don't even know your getting in any trouble at all till a month later, and BOOM surprise surprise. I resent that weed is illegal. It has helped me express myself in way's I'd of never thought possible. I honestly would have probably done myself in by now if it wasn't for the herb. I'm on a break anyway and this is just making my sober self very agitated.