Ultimate stoner food!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by joliver88, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. I don't think this could go in the edible section because you dont use weed to cook it but it's amazing so I had to share.

    Two nights ago me and my wife was cruising the internet stoned when we came across something called to super fatty melt, it is basically a cheese burger with bacon stuff grilled cheese as the buns... lol... its delicious


    This is the picture from the website... we used Texas Toast style bread and ate them with country gravy... it was amazing, very fattening, but amazing.
  2. oh my god i'm not even high and..and i need one of those right now
  3. you should try it dude... its life changing... lmao
  4. brb I need to change my pants...
  5. I've been sick with the flu and haven't eaten much so I'm really hungry, and this isn't helping. D=

    When I'm over this flu, I'm making one of these for sure.
  6. And here I was, thinking Sesame chicken take-out was the ultimate stoner food. How wrong I was. I'm making one of these tonight and praying I don't have a heart attack. Might have to leave out that middle grilled cheese.. I'll just throw some ham up on that beast.
  7. we didnt put the middle grilled cheese on ours
  8. gross loking as hell, no meat for me please
    everyone else though enjoy
  9. To each their own... lol
  10. no veggies for me... lol... Im unhealthy as fuck
  11. Why do you vegetarians always have to express your hatred towards meat? You don't hear meat eaters talking shit about salads. If you don't like the food, don't eat it and don't say "gross looking as hell". Stop talking shit and then trying to act all friendly, nice, and accepting, when it's clear how you really feel. Stop talking down to people all the time, you sound like religious fanatics.
  12. There is no need for confrontation over this... everyone has the right to their opinion and to express them... it didnt come across as preaching or anything...

  13. what is the point of a discussion if everyone has the same opinions?

    chill out man :rolleyes:
  14. i made a deliberate point not to sound like i was converting anyone
    expressing my opinion while saying you have the freedom to do and act the same
    and do whatever you please
    and you flip, grow up you aggro douchebag(sorry for the name callign mods, ahha)
  15. and for the record the arguement flipsided doesn't excactly work because you lose the morality and ethics of the whole situation in question..y'know the reasoning and point behind being and following the diet/lifestyle of vegeterians/vegans in the first place
    Not too start anything i'm stoned drunk and tired
  16. No, no way, come on, don't do that to yourself. Eat cut up carrots and celery, please. I don't want you to die.
  17. meat rules... hahahah
  18. god damn my heart hurts

    i'll take a fat cut of venison, with morel mushrooms, cream of mushroom sauce, and enough mashed potatoes to kill an elephant :laughing:
  19. #19 Solipsist NPC, Dec 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2011
    I find it ironic, that the entire time you complained about preachy people, who talk down to others. But you where the one who started shit, talking down to a entire group of people, and expressing your hatred.

    When all the dude said was something like "looks gross, no meat for me".

    You're like, irrationally defensive, and hypocritical.

    Anyway, I guarantee you there are alot of meat eaters, that would say this looks disgusting.
  20. The black dude on weed wars ordered that lol

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