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UK: Web: Cannabis On Prescription May Be Allowed

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Truth-Seeker, Feb 9, 2001.

  1. Media Awareness Project

    UK: Web: Cannabis On Prescription May Be Allowed
    Newshawk: The UKCIA
    Pubdate: Wed, 07 Feb 2001
    Source: Annanova
    Copyright: 2001 Annanova Ltd
    Address: Ananova Ltd., PO Box 36, Leeds, LS11 5ZA, United Kingdom
    Phone: 0113 367 4558
    Fax: 0113 367 4682


    If cannabis had therapeutic benefits, the Government would allow it to be prescribed, a Home Office Minister says.

    Charles Clarke made the comments in the Commons, but made it clear the Government would draw a distinction between the therapeutic use of cannabis and its recreational use.

    There are currently two trials on the therapeutic benefits of cannabis taking place. One is being carried out by a private company and another by the Home Office.

    The private company, GW Pharmaceutical, hopes to have a licence to produce cannabis for medical use by 2003.

    Giving evidence to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee, Mr Clarke said: "The Home Office and the Department of Health are very, very clear that once the trials outcomes are clear ... we will act very expeditiously that any approved treatment can be brought into circulation." But he emphasised the Government would only act on the basis of scientific evidence and not on the testimonies of individuals who said cannabis had helped their condition.

    He said: "We must act on the basis of scientific tests. To get to the position of changing the law we need to have a proper scientific judgment." Also giving evidence Dr Brian Davis of the Medicines Control Agency Licensing Division said even if the present trials had positive results, more extensive trials would be needed before cannabis could be licensed for therapeutic use.

    He referred to a study which had shown that cannabis had impaired the fertility of male monkeys. <font color = "blue"> Truth-Seeker's observation : Doesn't certain types of underwear impair the fertility of male monkeys, er, I mean humans? Let's outlaw those. </font>

    MAP posted-by: Beth
  2. 10 years later and not one reply?
  3. Trololololol i think OP is no longer active

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