UK Police Stop + Search Laws

Discussion in 'General' started by spillee86, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. So me and my friend were walking around having a smoke last night at like, 3am. Just walking around chatting like we do, and luckily we'd just finished up when those lovely interfering busybodies of the police drove past and decided to stop us.

    Luckily again we'd seen them slowing down so I chucked the tiny amount of weed I had on me onto the ground, but they did find a grinder in my pocket.

    I think we're good. They took our details but didn't charge us or caution us or anything, and he gave me grinder back coz it had nothing in it so should be okay.

    But I was thinking afterwards, did they legitimately actually have the right to search us on the grounds of us just walking around at 3am?

    Just pisses me off that invasion of privacy and how we weren't doing ANYONE any harm, and they have the right to just stroll over, pop their hands in our pockets and take all our details.
  2. Bro, you stood there and allowed them to search you. If you don't stand up for your rights then they certainly won't respect them
  3. lol u got ur grinder? consider yourself lucky your not in jail
  4. In the UK we pretty much have no rights in terms of searching as far as I know.

    As long as they're somewhat suspicious, I think they're allowed to search you.

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