Tell your expierence. Doesnt have to be about aliens just something you couldnt identify. This was back in 2005 or 2006 cant remeber. I was 13 and at my friends house for a sleepover. We hadnt done any drugs lol we were only 13. A little background on my friends house. He lives way out in the country in a pretty big house. The closest neighbor is a mile away. So its about 3am and were all gettin ready to go to bed. Everyone else lays down and i was on the recliner. I lean back and pull the lever to extend the footrest. I was just relaxing looking out the window when i saw a whitish, orange light hovering in the air. It was doing slow little figure 8s up and down in the sky. So i watched that for a while and decided to wake my friends up too see it. So i wake my friend up amd tell him to look theres a weird light in the sky. But this is the weird part. He wouldnt open his eyes. He just looked towards the window with his eyes closed and said its just a plane go back to bed. So i wake my other friend up to use his phone to film it and he does the exact same thing. Wont even look at it. So i gave up on that and just kept watching the light. It was strange because all the ufo expierences ive heard were like ppl seeing them for a couple seconds then they dissapeared. This light had been going for 30 minutes. All of a sudden i see two more lights approach the first one from the left. They stop amd started to match the figure 8 motion of the first light. This goes on for a while until the first light shoots a small red ball of light out of the bottom that bounces of the ground below and shoots back inside. So at this point im kinda sketched like wtf ia going on. I keep watching and then the second set of lights shoots this giant ball of light to the other ship. Like this light in the nightsky was as bright as a star and as large as the sun seems from earth. At that point i was like alright that was too crazy i gotta go to bed. So i did. Woke up the next morning and none of my friends remembered me waking them up or anything. To this day i still wonder what i saw. Were they aliens, angels idk but it definitely opened my eyes to the fact we are not the most intelligent life out there
It was around 11pm and my wife and I were sitting in the hot tub on the patio. A huge triangle shaped craft passed over us flying low and travelling very slowly. It was unusual that a craft that large would fly so low over a residential area. I had never seen any aircraft other than a helicopter than could fly so slowly. The sound was also strange. There ware no jet or motor sounds, only a high pitched whine like from an electric motor. But the strangest part of it was the lights coming from the bottom at the front. There was a round opening with three light beams coming out at different angles and shining down about fifteen feet and ending in midair. About ten minutes after it passed over, a helicopter came following the same route, but at a much higher altitude. Except for the unknown propulsion system and the strange truncated light beams, there was nothing that seemed "otherworldly" or "alien". We assumed it was a secret military project. Postscript: A few months later I happened to run across an article by a guy who claimed to have worked at Area 51 and was writing about an anti-gravity device that the U.S. got from "the aliens" and was using it in military aircraft. There was a picture of it and it looked exactly like what I had seen on the craft that passed over us.
I have a crazy story Ok dude, so its about 3am and were all gettin ready to go to bed. Everyone else lays down and i was on the recliner. I lean back and pull the lever to extend the footrest. I was just relaxing looking out the window when i saw a whitish, orange light hovering in the air. It was doing slow little figure 8s up and down in the sky. So i watched that for a while and decided to wake my friends up too see it. So i wake my friend up amd tell him to look theres a weird light in the sky. But this is the weird part. He wouldnt open his eyes. He just looked towards the window with his eyes closed and said its just a plane go back to bed. So i wake my other friend up to use his phone to film it and he does the exact same thing. Wont even look at it. So i gave up on that and just kept watching the light. It was strange because all the ufo expierences ive heard were like ppl seeing them for a couple seconds then they dissapeared. This light had been going for 30 minutes.
I remember a time me and a buddy of mine were about 12 camping out behind his crib. We were doing the normal 12 yr. old stuff, playing army, talking about pokemon and what not. We decided to hit the sheets at about 1am or so and made our way into our sleeping bags. The next part still gives me chills. I'd say a few hours later I remember being awoken by some pretty strong wind. As I was trying to fall back asleep I noticed a sort of whine that was fading in and out, but wasn't getting any louder. I woke my buddy up and he heard the same thing. Out of nowhere the whine got extremely loud and a small ball of light probably 15 miles away shot into the sky and disappeared. We both bolted inside and stayed up the rest of the night. The thing that was weird was he had a couple of dogs who will bark at anything that they hear whether it be a car, or even a helicopter. But after we went inside they were tucked away under his parents bed whimpering and looking very startled. Still freaks me out to this day to drive by the spot where we camped out.
[quote name='"ptg701"']It was around 11pm and my wife and I were sitting in the hot tub on the patio. A huge triangle shaped craft passed over us flying low and travelling very slowly. It was unusual that a craft that large would fly so low over a residential area. I had never seen any aircraft other than a helicopter than could fly so slowly. The sound was also strange. There ware no jet or motor sounds, only a high pitched whine like from an electric motor. But the strangest part of it was the lights coming from the bottom at the front. There was a round opening with three light beams coming out at different angles and shining down about fifteen feet and ending in midair. About ten minutes after it passed over, a helicopter came following the same route, but at a much higher altitude. Except for the unknown propulsion system and the strange truncated light beams, there was nothing that seemed "otherworldly" or "alien". We assumed it was a secret military project. Postscript: A few months later I happened to run across an article by a guy who claimed to have worked at Area 51 and was writing about an anti-gravity device that the U.S. got from "the aliens" and was using it in military aircraft. There was a picture of it and it looked exactly like what I had seen on the craft that passed over us.[/quote] Sounds like thus article i read a whume back about a stralth blimp the military might be testing. Did it look like this?
I saw something almost exactly like when driving on the interstate a few months back. It was right before Christmas when I was driving back home to Texas. I was traveling north coming up on Shreveport Louisiana when I noticed a bright set of lights to the west, but they looked like the top of a radio tower or something and I didn't think anything of it. Then a few minutes later I noticed they were closer to the interstate ahead of me. It was overcast and the lights were just under the cloud cover. Thats when I noticed they were slowly moving towards the east. At first they just looked like three lights in a row, but then the thing banked to the north and started rising up into the clouds and it was a big black triangle, with white lights on each of the points. It slowly disappeared up into the clouds and was gone before I could get my wife to wake up and see it too. It could possibly have been the "Blue Devil" spy blimp used by the military.
I saw a triangle shaped UFO hovering near the clouds (with a witness) as it zoomed off we were speechless (more like WTF!?!). Later it was identified by air force pilot as surveillance planes using magnets instead of motors. Haha I don't know if I could believe that...
[quote name='"MaxAmmo"']I saw a triangle shaped UFO hovering near the clouds (with a witness) as it zoomed off we were speechless (more like WTF!?!). Later it was identified by air force pilot as surveillance planes using magnets instead of motors. Haha I don't know if I could believe that...[/quote] Was it in the south western US. Its strange because most of the reports about the giant triangle craft come from that area. Leading me to beleive its military
I've kinda always wanted to see a UFO but it's probably best I don't or I'll be scared shitless forever.
[quote name='"jnr003"']I've kinda always wanted to see a UFO but it's probably best I don't or I'll be scared shitless forever.[/quote] Ha it is I was certain i was gunna get abducted that night.
I honestly don't remember what we were doing at the time bro, just throwing some shit out to help get the idea we were young. Sounds like you were some badass as a kid.
[quote name='"Mr Rumsfeld"'] I honestly don't remember what we were doing at the time bro, just throwing some shit out to help get the idea we were young. Sounds like you were some badass as a kid.[/quote] Ha i still play pokemon on my phone every once in awhile. Shits still fun and im 19