U.s. And Canada Become Uno.

Discussion in 'General' started by ch33r10zzz, May 24, 2013.

  1. The OP must be high or something. You need to give hard evidence as to why Canada and US would ever ally, and why any Canadian would even consider wanting to become one with the US. And I'm Canadian...

  2. I honestly think the "US" would benefit more.
    I agree with K masta flex. If i were canadian i wouldnt want to become one with the us. Our government is way too incompetent and corrupt.
    I just chatted with some random canadian. He said you guys vote often.
    But the thing is, there is not reason for us to be apart. It would obviously make us ridiculously powerful. Not calling for a "NWO" or anything. It's like why wouldnt you want to be part of a powerful nation?
    We share a very loose border for fucking's sake.
  3. I think north america is civilized enough to realize it's not a bad thing.
    Plus Canada is the #2 oil producer in the world.
  4. You know what you're right! While we're at it, lets make Russia and Asia and India merge as well and call it Constantinople!!
    In fact, fuck having a diverse culture on earth of any sort! LET GO BACK TO OUR PANGAEA ROOTS!
  5. #25 ch33r10zzz, May 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2013
    How ludicrously hyperbolic. Asia and Russia do not share any thing in common besides a border.
    How would merging the US and Canada destroy its cultural diversity? We're practically the same.
  6. I agree but... you don't want our problems. America and the UK are like the poster boys for dysfunctional societies, with many different interests all disagreeing on just about everything. And it's done openly, by design because a fractured society is easier to control. Canada hasn't yet realized the damage of progressive leftism, while America (and to a greater extent, UK) are much closer to complete disaster because of it. If anything, a third option for those who want nothing to do with either country should be on the table here.
    It will never work.. First off. The United States is Actually a Divided States of America.
    2nd. The whole damn world needs to unite-Fucking the dumb shit
  8. #28 Finger My Urethra, May 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2013
    US can't even get their shit together, no thanks, worst idea for Canada ever. 
    Besides, this is how bad ass Canada is, if your a US citizen and you have ONE DUI, you cannot enter. Go fuck yourself. Fuck yeah.
  9. Canada is making more progress with legalization that would probably be their reason for not joining us. I always look at Canada as our brothers to the north.
  10. they cant take away what i already have in my home. and it would be lovely if they stopped by to admire my collection!
    and Canada would probably pass with joining with the US. besides, Americans have too much pride. theres too much history here. i know ive been talkin of Texas alot, but Texas has more history and depth than canada has. Canada is known for its French majority. and what good are they anyway. sure they're food is good and they make potent rally machines, but they've lost EVERY war they've been in for like the past 400 years. and if the US wanted canada, we would have aquired the territory in the 1700's and 1800's, but the forefathers knew it was too cold to fuck with.
  11. What are you talking about, it already is. It's Northern Montana.
  12. #33 i liketrees, May 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2013
    what, you think taking on Canada would change this?  Our government is way too self righteous, and would only accept Canada under terms set by the US government.  we would most likely completely fuck them over in some way (just like we do with so much of our international interventions) and cause far too much tension on our own continent.
    Canada is OK with being a country
    United States is OK with being a country
    no need to combine the two. 
    EDIT: and no that would not make us "incredibly powerful".  just having more land doesnt make you more powerful especially when it's on a continent we pretty much own, and have free reign over.  also Canada's military isnt nearly powerful enough to make a big difference if added onto ours.
    But they do share a middle ground which is the perfect blend of both, so why not? I mean that's the logic you are going about with this.
  14. NO thank you, you can keep your America to yourselves :)
  15. Fuckk that shit I ain't giving up free health care and no gun laws
  16. yeah fuck that i like my free health care, among many other things, i also dont like the US goverment, canada's isn't much better but still not as bad.

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