Chris, you ask more questions than the CID yes as far as i'm aware there are about 8 that i know of in the uk...i'm in Scotland, but that's about as much as like to divulge....remember that in the uk it has been decriminalised but not made legal...hence the reluctance...hope all is well with you're new growing attempt?.....Peace out.....Sid
sorry just trying to learn how to grow thats all .i understand whare your comming from about the filth SORRY
Hi Chris I'm from the UK - Yorkshire. I can't find a dealer - Haven't had a smoke for a few weeks, so I'm trying to grow my own!! Don't know if they will grow..... but fingers crossed!! Jo.
im from manchester plenty of smoke up here y'all need a day trip oil,resin and green aplenty,happy days oh such happy days,till the next drought anyway