Two sick puppies Please Help

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Rhino87420, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. There not growing like they should be there going on three months and are just now
    Showing signs of white hairs on both plants but the one is just so droopy and the other is bushy
    But is still not showing its full potential. Can any body please help me!

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    Indian outlaw
  2. Heat stress, root bound, over watered, under/over fed. Could be any of those. Leaves are green so it probably isn't over/under fed. Look it up.

  3. If there root bound should i transplant them to a bigger pots. I'm working on a cooling system to fix the heat stress, I have a big oscillating metal fan and a AC wall unit so it stays around 73 to 75 degrees in my place all day. And why would my stems be purple and red looking?

    Indian outlaw
  4. Your plants are suffering from N overload. Plants will need to be flushed or they will continue to deteriorate. Does the pots have holes in the bottom? I see no trays for run-off. Need to check ph run-off, I'm sure it's terribly skewed according to the apperance of those sick puppies. Watering every three days with nutes will kill any cannabis plant, especially since two/three applications done right is enough for any plant till harvest. Best thing you can do for those girls is gently remove them from the pots, gently rinse the roots by massaging and place plants in fresh medium moistened and allow recovery. Looks like you're locking out every nutient except Fe, Zn, Boron and Copper.
  5. I do have have run off tray just can't see it in the pics what kind of ph tester do I need? Where can I find the ph strips? I'm using sphagnum peat moss and perlite for soil and I haven't gave them any nutes except Epsom salt mixed it with some water and that brought them back to life cause they were worse than this can I keep them in the same pots cause I don't want them to get too much bigger cause of grow space.


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