two.questions please help

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by asian420, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. I just got this roor bong.with a new.bowl,ash catcher and a diffuser downsteam with diffuser beads and onti my first question

    Is it real... I bouth the bong itself downsteam or bowl for 80$ the roor bowl. Was 20.

    And my second question is. Wat can i do to cut down on having to iso bath my piece every three days as you can see it gets really dirtty PICS BELOW






    ForumRunner_20121230_234130.png .
  2. I'd say no but I don't know Roors, someone else will give you the reasons it is or isn't. Carbon filter would keep it spotless, filling the AC water with rice or diffusor beads will help a bit if a carbon filter is off limits
  3. Thanks about how much rice do you say i put and do you recommend me washing the startch off the rice beforw puttn ing the ac or not
  4. Put enough rice to fill it almost to the water level. And shouldn't need to wash it off, it's just rice. Not my thing personally but if you have enough rice it'll help absorb a lot of the resin before it can get everywhere else. Don't leave it sitting there for more than a day without changing it though
  5. Hope your $100 investment lasts...
  6. idk if it's real or not but use Simple Green concentrate to clean it.
  7. its super fake.
    that price tag along should have raised a few questions.

    iso/salt is the fastest/easiest cleaning method.

    just change your water daily & stop pulling the ash through...
  8. Yeah definitely fake. Sorry man. Next time I would reccomend checking out the real/fake root thread before making a purchase. But you still got a good amount of stuff for that price, and Im sure it does its job. So don't fret on that. And yeah , as others have said, try to avoid pulling the ash through
  9. Just think bro, it may be fake but its still a nice piece for $80, and even with that china AC I'm sure you can take fatty hits
  10. Thanks alll pf you for the answers and insight im planning to smash it tonight for new years any ideas on a real ROOR i can get for 500-2500
  11. Why the fuck would you smash it? You could clean it spotless and sell it on Craigslist for more than you bought I for
  12. Man if you're droppin 500 plus you should pick up a sov, toro, mobius, 4.0, i mean the list of bongs better than a roor for 500 is really fuckin long :laughing:
  13. I was thinkig.of spenind aroh.d 500 on the bong and around 700 to 1000.for attachments ie. AC's, precollers, and so o.
  14. Fake, real roors have that signature squiggle on the side and have usually an (R) by the logo name, not a bad price for a roor fake some kids are stupid and pay 120+ but why are you so concerned with keeping it spotless, bongs get dirty when you use them, just change the water often and it should be good. By often I mean every 3-4 bowls without and ashcatcher and maybe 5-6 with.

  15. Unless you're fucking loaded, you need to do some heavy research before dropping that kind of coin.
  16. Especially if you're sitting here asking if your Roor is real or not
  17. This guy needs to chill out, you're not too experienced with quality glass no offense, but a nice apix or stone glassworks will do you well for minimal price:) just cause you spend a lot doesn't mean it's worth it.
  18. I don't get what the problem is with his current piece, I mean sure it's fake but it still looks like it'll hit great for $100
  19. he really said he was going to smash it tonight for new years?
    makes me want to smash your face for new years.
    give it to one of your friends or something. don't be greedy.
  20. I agree, I own multiple bongs that cost 300+ each but I started out with Chinese glass still, don't we all??

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