So a few days ago I found out people actually fight over twitter... Have I been living under a rock or is this uncommon? When I find out this happens, i looked at the person talking to me and said that is the most retarded shit I've ever heard of. I'm so glad i don't have a twitter.
I haven't seen fights on Twitter, but the only reason is to read the posts of my favorite stoners and intellectuals who are much too rational to fight over Twitter.
I got a twitter account recently and I still dont understand its purpose, its a good way to stalk your favorite musicians and actors, but I'll never reply or retweet, they have enough psycho's that do that for them. Although I find it amusing when people fight on facebook, the trailor-trash-junkie-slut drama makes me feel good about myself. I got in an argument once during the canadian winter olympics and someone posted about the looting and protest/riots in Vancouver, and I asked "what are they even protesting?" someone posted something about homeless people (since no articles are written explaining what their deal was), then I posted something along the lines of "oh thats stupid" then they got all defensive saying I dont deserve to have an opinion about the matter cause I didnt know what it was about no more than an hour ago. What can I say, Im a fast learner and hippies arent going to like my opinion half the time
How is twitter stupid? I follow mostly athletes and rappers but some of my friends oh and parody accounts those are funny.
Honest.. Had one for less then a week. All set. More drama then FB.. That's hard to do.. Well. I don't really have drama on fb.. I kinda have deleted everyone dramaish in that error..