Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Owen Towell, Jun 8, 2019.

  1. Just for some background info:
    - Age: Day 8 since sprouting
    - Growing medium: Coco
    - Light: 600w MH
    - Feed: Formulex 5ml/L
    - RH: 50% average
    - Temp: 28 Celsius in the day, lows of 19 Celsius
    - Light cycle: 18/6 at 22+ inches from plant
    - PH: n/a
    - EC: n/a

    So my leaves have started to twist and curl upwards and I’m scratching my head to as of why.. I felt that maybe I overwatered in my last feed as I poured the water as opposed to spray, but I’ve read that overwatering is impossible in coco. I have yet to water with a run off and have not measured my PH or EC as of yet. Can anyone advise me on what they think is happening? Should I be concerned? Do I need to start my veging A+B nutes?

    Thank you guys in advance
  2. Had to bump this! Think I may be a little paranoid, but would appreciate some advise if anyone else has experienced this

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  3. Heat stress and probably a bit too much water. You definitely can overwater Coco when you have seedlings. Lift the lights up a bit and water in a circle around the seedling.
    I had the same problems with my first grow

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