Hello all, after much online research I thought I'd turn to my fellow growers. My concern is with nutrients, primarily the top shooter with the house and garden line. I have used the entire line for my last 4-5 grows, very happy with the results overall although I have noticed the taste/smell is not as strong as when I've used organic. Although the quality/quantity is on point! My concern however is with the top shooter, my trichs never reach Amber. So I'm wondering if this could also be a factor in the lack of taste/smell. Info on my grow, 5x5 and 5x10 tents, soil- pro mix, nutes- H&G full line, lights 3 1000 watt hps t5 supplemental, strain, mostly indica/ some sativa. Avg flower time 10-12 weeks. I also have been giving them 24-36 hours of darkness before harvesting to try to get Amber to no avail. So my main question, is there a GOOD substitute for top shooter, also I was wanting to add some organics to my synthetic nutes but I've read it's counter productive to do so. I miss that smell/taste from organics! Any expert growers out there that could help a guy out would be GREATLY appreciated!! Thanks in advance. If I posted this in the wrong area please bump or delete!
This is a neat question as I vacillate between my organic grow and/or just hammering some weight with a conventional nute line like hg to make ends meet. My hg buddies do very well. This may not be the direction you need, but have you looked at malted barley seeds or a slurry/tea made of them? They are full of growth regulators and have been purported (on this site by reputable growers) to help buds finish 7-10 days sooner. I'm starting to get into this now myself. You can mish mash organic and conventional nutes in your pro mix, but adding compost would be really really helpful to get some life out of your organic additions... Otherwise your punching your own face with your own fist every time you water. It can be counter productive but not at all impossible, many people do this without realizing it, myself included. So here's my opinion, Mix up worm castings and dry kelp, moisten and plop on top of your soil and water it in. Get some 6 row malted barley seeds and sprinkle dry or water in. Keep your hg line rolling, and see what happens. Lots of microbes in the top 6" of soil, so if that organic matter stays moist they can come up to get it... Your microbes would be in the compost your adding at this point. I'm interested in what others opinions will be. Take care.