I don't know. I never go on anymore and I deleted my old account. I have nobody to follow so post up your blog and if i like it i might follow? im not looking for people to follow me i like don't post again yet
I didn't realize people still use tumblr i just might have to hide your sig. your eyes are staring into my soul as i type this
Yeah I thought that's all anyone used it for, was like postin noodz n shit. Least that's how it was..
Tumbler is a type of cup. Refer to host of tmz. Tumblr is an addictive media sharing website. Mostly pics and gifs. There's a tumblr for everything.
I didn't know it was a website. And I know a tumbler is a type of cup but I wasn't sure on what everyone was talking about. Thanks for the helpful information.
dude tons of em groupgirls.tumblr sextingneverpays.tumblr artek.tumblr and you can get to hundreds of others from those lol